Trent Richardson

Biden is approaching Vikings-level absurdity on trades with this one. I’m sure the Ukrainian people will be heartened to hear that some woman with weed is now with her family as they’re getting bombed into oblivion at an accelerated rate.

You’re telling me that’s not a picture of Colin Quinn?

This is good Kinja.

Dude’s overrated and a dirty player.

Everyone in Houston remains completely bewildered how Bill O’Brien was permitted to completely nuke the team from orbit. The Hopkins trade remains one of the single worst football decisions I’ve ever seen. One day you’re at least winning the division (yes, yes - AFC south and all that) and you’ve got the most exciting

I’m gonna go with you’re 89-94% correct, only missing out on points because you think signing a contract with Jacksonville isn’t accompanied with creepy violin music and the sound of rattlesnake tails.  Yes, Indy is cursed AF but the curse that is destroying the Jaguars isn’t a team curse, it’s localized to where they

All he had to do was get vaccinated...period. The cost to the team is too high to let a guy who continues to get himself on the wrong side of Covid stay on the roster. As a Patriots fan I hope he finds a good situation, but damn man just get the shot!

Whatever his ulterior motives are, I don’t care. He’s a leathery old billionaire. He probably has ulterior motives for how he wipes his ass. If those motives are aligning with the greater good, then terrific. 

I remember a Florida lawyer caught on Facebook last year instructing people who moved out of Georgia to find a way to vote using their Georgia residence or someone else’s.

Given the rate at which GOP leadership is causing the ongoing deaths of their own base via disease, I suppose they’re feeling even more pressure to cheat in every way they can to keep power.

I’d argue that in the context of his times, really the only fair way to judge an athlete, he stood out. First 2000-yard rushing season, for instance (which was 800-something more than anybody else in the league got that year!),  still the only one to reach that mark in 14 games in a single season, and I think he still

I agree. While Haskins would probably still be trash if he had 15 years to learn the playbook, the two MVP favorites Aaron Rodgers and Patrick Mahomes got a chance to sit and learn. I don’t get why almost everyone rushes their young QB into action nowadays. 

The way the Browns draft I'd go for the boat every time. Yeah they need a QB and with a top 3 pick (they really suck) and a 16-22 pick they could get a franchise QB and a great tackle but we've seen them do this twice and they got Richardson (damn fine pick) and Weeden and Joe Thomas (solid lineman) and Brady Quinn.