Trent Hacker

I have a 9 year old, and because I’m fucking clinically insane also a 3 year old AND a 1 year old. There is no combination that doesn’t involve some form of fighting , hitting, tackling, tripping, projectiles, screaming, teasing, or booby traps. Even the fucking one year old goes in for an eye rake at the bottom of

For me it was that time I took my brand new Mustang to a Car & coffee event.

Hillary’s bank account.

“Hella stanced?”

Damn right. First year of law school; and I cannot stress this statement enough, we’re all told that paying as little tax a small possible is the goal of the tax law and the true execution of individual rights.

I don’t like trump, I don’t think he’ll be good for the country, but I don’t think that legally avoiding taxes is a legitimate criticism. Of course you’re not going to pay more than you have to, otherwise you might as well criticize anyone who claims a deduction. However, I think the problem here is that the loophole

To finish off, in typical Elon Musk style, he argued that the roofs look fantastic, why wouldn’t you go solar if the “neighborhood aesthetics get better”?

CARtoons is back but printed our of canada now. You can buy issues and/or subcriptions through their website.

Your wife is a FUCKING SAINT.

My wife, knowing that i am a lifelong reader of Car Craft (and fan of Krass & Bernie) found George Trosley online and had this done for Fathers Day last year. I had just finished my LQ9 swap in “Stella”. I snagged a good one.

Pop quiz, who here knows about Krass & Bernie? I’m so happy I still have my old issues, some of the last ones, but I’m even happier it’s back!

Ya know, everyone loved the naked Trump statue with the tiny pecker. I get that women are marginalized more than men, especially based on appearance, but these things have to go both ways, right? It’s either all okay or none of it is okay.

Remember how that Trump statue was taken down by rabid sycophants? Yeah me neither

I tell ya man, it gets harder and harder to justify going to games anymore. Fights aren’t THAT big of a deal, but it’s just too many drunk a-holes and too expensive when you can get Sunday Ticket and a 60 inch. I don’t have kids yet, but at this point there is no way I would take my son or daughterto a game until

[citation needed]

Is it any better or worse than playing the game as a psychotic killer and criminal as intended?

You wrote with logic and reason, got zero stars and were told to stfu by a liberal. Welcome to Gawker.

As a fellow parent, this guy should be beaten for almost waking up the baby. The baby should never be disturbed, ever.

GW Bush did do some commendable things as President, including, for example, pressing to funds to help fight AIDS in Africa. And one of those commendable things he did was to sign legislation instructing the Smithsonian to start planning for this museum, and saying he believed it should be built on the national Mall.