Trent Hacker

It’s the height of irony that so called liberals, in opposition of an ignorant bully, act like ignorant bullies themselves in bullying an person that believes differently then them.

Trump is succeeding b/c he’s a political outsider who says whatever the fuck he wants.

Trump openly endorses Hillary Clinton, not racist. Trump endorses enforcing immigration laws, now racist. Hmmmmm

Dumb sh#t. So the guy wants to control a border ... and disallow ILLEGAL immigration ..... and it’s all about WHITES wanting to be supreme again ?? I’m BLACK. What jobs do you think poor illegal immigrants are taking ? They aren’t here to be poor. Middle class wages tax free ... as in cash business ... is UPPER MIDDLE

The milk requires dairies to rape cows and steal their offspring

I would never, ever drink raw milk. Nor do I believe it’s the government’s place to tell people that they can’t drink raw milk. That’s up to them. If they want to be idiots, have at it.

That wasn’t a slap let alone a bodyslam. I guess you have to commended for correctly baiting for clicks.


We tried the “nice guy” for president. In return we got a world in chaos, triple the national debt, and 50% more people on welfare.

Even though it’s true he’d be richer, why are people hammering him for actually making something? Investing in the S&P Index fund doesn’t make a whole lot. Those hotels and golf courses employ a shit load of people.

Let me get this straight. This asshole works for his nice things by building companies and providing goods and services that people gladly pay him for and you go out of your way to shit on him. [Which is fair since, as I stated, he can be an asshole]

If trump is a con artist then what is Obama ? Do a little research on his high school/college days. Obama grew up privileged as hell but had to con his way into Columbia then Harvard

It’s a shame this will never get out of the grey zone. Also, if you’re part of the tl/dr crowd, you’re part of the problem.

You're insanely overstating all of this. People who compare Trump, or any candidate, to Hitler is 100% irrelevant to me because they are fucking delusional and pretty much insane. As soon as someone brings up the Hitler comparison, I tune them out and walk away because they clearly are not attached to reality anymore

I like Trump because he maybe he can inadvertently usher in the demise of these corrupt political parties. Probably not but maybe. I know he’s a blowhard but he’s got my party re-evaluating itself. We truly aren’t Tea Partiers, could care less who you bang, have come to accept that murdering an unborn child is none of

Dude, we all celebrate your running prowess, but you gotta look up “casual” in the dictionary. That’s an 8:36/mile pace. If you are running a marathon in less than four hours, you are — by definition — more than a casual runner.

Nope, festivals and large arenas, selling them out too.

And how much will this cost?? I was seriously considering the TRD trim Taco until I went through the build & price and suffered immediate sticker shock. It’s ridiculous how expensive trucks have gotten.

Your post is so full of evidence that it’s hard to argue with.

*cough* Bullshit *cough*