Trent Hacker

Wait until you hit 40.

It’s dragons right? Looks like dragons. I bet it’s dragons.

All the way back to 1995? Is that supposed to be a long time ago? Geez I’m old.

He should be swatted just for the hat alone.

A damn commercial?!

The rescue of Baby Jessica. I remember watching it on TV at my grandparents during the summer 0f 1987. Jessica McClure

In a wheelchair...

Mischief managed....


Don’t understand why he is getting so much hate. This sounds like me or any other of any buddies at the bar drinking and talking shit. Isn’t that the point of the show. I actually like Ben here and wouldn’t mind having some beers (or liquor) with him.

She doesn’t like pizza so nobody in the house was allowed to have pizza? Poor show, mom.

Like sex.


Nice. Chicago has the L trains though.

Oh. Well then....ok.

I just watched The Warriors again last night and was thinking the same thing. I don’t want a remake, but if they did, it couldn’t be NYC. Maybe Chicago?

My kids (12, 9 and 6) loved the first one and they can’t wait to see this one. They thought the turtles were hilarious and I think it’s cool that they are a fan of the turtles just as I was at their age.

I call bullshit. Not one beer in the picture above.

“I agree that sexual compatibility is such a pain in the ass”

That look at 5:23 though....