Trent Hacker

He should make it into a rally car.

If there was ever a place do do drugs and alcohol 24/7, this is it.

Balderdash. Clearly a result of uneven tire pressure as a result of analog gauges.

"We did the motherfucker."

"We on the motherfucker."

I'd rather just buy a phone and use it for a couple years and buy a new one. Who wants this hassle? I also picture it being dropped and exploding in dozens of pieces like so many of my Lego projects as a kid.

All I see with the Olympics anymore is corruption and bankruptcy. It's not worth it.

But I don't want a Nissan F-150....

With the newly restored holographic Dolby 50.16.8 all around sound.

Did not know that. Nice bit of nerdy A/V trivia I will wear as a badge of honor. Thanks.

Well, if my time was up, that would be one hell of a send off.

Maybe if the design was a tad more exciting than a silver orthopedic shoe, they'd be able to move a few more units.

I feel ya. I'm not hardcore by any stretch, I think my love for the movies comes from nostalgia. They just remind of a time when things on screen were just magical and set my imagination on fire. Then you grow up and become somewhat cynical and there's very little magic left.

As money hungry as the House of Mouse is, it wouldn't surprise me at all if we get the original released in blu or 4k blu. Way too many fans out there that would snatch it up. I know Lucas stood in the way, but he took a huge payout in trade for his baby. Hopefully this means he will lose the right to fight the

Soooo..... Just found out I'm dead inside. Huh.

Just looked at eBay. Price are from $80 to $1500 (ludicrous). If you are a big Star Wars fan, it's almost worth the $80 just for the book included. Maybe some day when I'm really old it may be worth $1500.

That was the first image I found on Google. My set is actually packed away with other laserdiscs. Not sure where the 1997 artwork is from. Maybe the nicest pictured was a later edition? The disc sleeves are just black with the titles. Includes a collectors book (great photos), and info sheet. The sets were also

I first started ruining the illusion when I got into laserdisc and most discs had behind the scenes extras. This was before what we take for granted on dvd and bluray. I also remember a tv show on History channel called Movie Magic.

True, but I don't think it would be a huge difference upscaled. I saw a Sony native 4k projector demo on a 120" screen. Even blurays looked spectacular. In fact, the difference was there, but small. It's not like the giant leap from 480P dvds to 1080p blu.

Still have my Definitive Collection laserdisc box set. This had the best extra features as well. Now that Disney owns the rights, will we finally see the original trilogy on bluray? I feel by the time these next installments are finished, 4k bluray will be here. Maybe then there will be an end all box set containing