Trent Hacker

He's going to need bigger gas tanks if he wants to survive the apocalypse.

Damn, you've foiled my joke. It does contain cocoa butter though, correct?

Want to really blow their minds? Give them white chocolate.

I may buy it.

Haha. Virgin Level: Expert.

When I first glanced at the photo I thought, "That's the new Batmobile? You've got to be kidding me."

Never underestimate a good dry screw.

Of course not. You hang glide off the roof.

Just getting ready to post this. My OCD has me sweating just looking at this. Hell, I may clean my own windows now.

This looks fantastic.

What about brain eating amoeba?


I say we fill it with our politicians.

I just posted a comment exactly like yours. Should've read further I guess. Oh well, smart asses think alike.

All the owners had to do was put a couple illegals in the Rovers and the Feds wouldn't come near them. In fact, they may have given the Rovers a full rotisserie restoration and built a new garage to house them in.

I never thought I would lust for a Dodge this much...

Love the Cincinnati Grand Old Union Terminal. It's a great museum but the building itself is breathtaking.

Right after Eddie & Charlie Murphy...