Trent Hacker

To this day, one of my all time favorite shots is the long take in Goodfellas when Henry is taking Karen into the Copa. I've seen this movie dozens of times and I'm still mesmerized by this shot. Scorsese's fantastic choices for his soundtrack doesn't hurt either.

I can only see the outcome as being a good thing. I run on a treadmill every night. Although I have Netflix on my iPad, it's still a pretty mundane task. If something like this becomes affordable in the near future, I would be all over it. The pudgy gamers in their mom's basement (or in my case, a semi fit middle aged


If he dies, he dies...

For some reason, every time I see giant hamsters bobbin their heads to music, I smile.

That's so Prius

How do you think I feel.....

Your co-worker's step-aunt needs a swift kick in the ass.

I'm sure you're right. I blame the fact that I grew up on 80's action movies. I don't care what kind of gun or round, everything should slow mo.

Anyone else disappointed with the results? I was expecting the iMac to explode into a thousand of unrecognizable pieces. At least shoot the thing at the center of the screen or something. I wonder how many planes could've been saved by covering the bottom of the fuselage with iMacs.

Figured he would've gone for the custom denim interior.


Kite flying level: Expert

Once completed, I would really love to see a 2 hour documentary on the entire process of making the campus a reality. Something similar to the Star Wars documentary "The Beginning: Making Episode I". I would love to see all the behind the scenes decision making, prototypes, failures, breakthroughs etc.

What about the wildlife that poop and pee in there daily?

This will be useful navigating the parking lot at Starbucks.

....and then there were waves
