Trent Hacker

Is it compatible with StarFox 64?

Gaga huh? Well, they got the first three out of four letters right.

Would this be considered a stopwatch?

Ok I'll buy one, but I'm not buying any 99 cent apps.

Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a movie that had never been done before? I know I may be reaching, but I think the technology has caught up enough. I think an original movie can be done.

@Norm the Alligator: I would actually never part with it beacuase it is just so damn cool looking. Plus the hardbound book included is pretty nifty. You are right on abouth Song of The South.

Still have my Star Wars laserdiscs. The first ld's I ever bought ($280!) and what started my passion of all things home theater. Unfortunately, they look like a 20 year old VHS through my VT25 Panny.

Now is time on Sprockets when we dance.