
What with being terrible at endings ,I wonder will Abrams be able to pull one off with this film ? and the series ?

BLACK PANTHER 2, in theaters May 6, 2022.

What If? series. ...Captain Carter. Yes, Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter taking on the Captain America mantle.. she is CAPTAIN BRITAIN then ?

So this is all before Spider man was taken away by Sony ,.....going to make this park a little different ,maybe change him to Night Monkey ? and the Bot to Monkey Bot ?

This just revealed ! Poster for the show !

Spectre (1977)

So Heart of Darkness in SPACE!

The more I see, the more I think ....

Never heard of this will give it a look .

Jimmy’s Pulitzer Prize for a picture .....and Lois got one for a story ,Perry White has 2 Pulitzer Prize winners on staff ?

Cash Grab nothing new .

Come on now ! Who names a monkey David Schwimmer ??

At the time trump was a private citizen of the democrate persuasion .

Puzzies vs azzholes ,Fu-k em both !

Its got a real....saw it years ago vibe.

Wait the friends Monkey is still alive?