
Move over Waldo !   Get your where’s Nova picture book for Christmas !

It will get released eventually .

More the BS narrative that we are all racists and Slavery got us to Trump

Time for some people to check themselves .

Women’s brains are different ,and they think differently about everything .

They were right to have the comment removed .he won’t always be President .

Marvel’s Hugo Danner

A sovereign Country doesn’t have to let anyone in ,especially people that hate them .

I love the old heroes ,always love the Invaders in all forms .

So ,Now the insults , proof of nothing intresting or intelligent to say.

Repeating the same line over and over again will not make it true. You might convince yourself but that does not mean it has any basis in reality.

Its all about profit ,no profit in it ,no more will be made

LOL Imagine thinking TV producers aren’t interested in making a profit LOL

Yes I do fan money is power

Sure I do ,fans  keep it alive.

So with his logic, Bernie’s rhetoric is responsible for the Baseball Shooter ,Warren the Ohio shooter , and Cortez for the ANTIFA bomber .....No Julian you ‘are wrong ,the only ones responsible are the shooters

Right back at you .

Sure I do ,Just because they make crap and stick a label on it ,that doesn’t make it Star Trek .

Tasers ,Hand held wireless telephones ,touch screens ,translators ,computers that respond to voice commands ,sonic weapons ,virtual reality , ect ...SCIENCE FICTION