
Check out the Solofill re-usable K-Cup. It beats the shit out of the real Keurig one.

Or, you know, this'll do... For $8

This is part of my problem with this idea.

"The truth is I enjoy smoking. I suffer from chronic pain and smoke a lot and drink LOTS of caffeine which helps keep the pain more manageable."

I spent 5 years on and off the patch while trying to quit. The first time in those 5 years, I managed to stop for almost a full year. Every time after that, I would never last more than a month after stopping the patch... And that's if I wasn't still smoking while on the patch the whole time.

if anyone should be embarrassed, it Giz for all the GIF's.

Guys, the thing about "you had to be there" moments is that, well, you had to be there.

I wouldn't make that argument. Those prefab modules were being thrown together pretty quick as well.

Not quite...

Awesome. It's expensive now, but at least more manufacturer's are starting to make the move towards 4k. With any luck, reasonably priced 4k TV's will exist within 5 years.

"But even with a week or so at $200 a pop, only 150,000 PlayBooks were sold in the third quarter of 2011."

You do understand this is how language develops, evolves, and grows, right?

Sure... But it doesn't mean I have to like it, or that they're at all justified. They are giving themselves competitive advantages within their own ecosystem, which is not only not fair, but it's also not legal.

Thank you, you saved me the trouble of needing to point out the obvious.

My only concern right now is build quality. If it feels like crap, Kindle wins. That being said, this is a really stupid move.

If this EXACT service came from Apple, this would be the article:

In most cases, I absolutely would. In this case? Not at all. It's Porsche Design. They don't throw their name behind stuff to make nice, cheap, pretty products. They design stuff and throw their name behind it to make expensive, exclusive products that people with money to blow can buy and brag about. If you

Hey! Look at that! It's time for another Gizmodo "we hate Blackberries" collective circle-jerk!

He missed that... Because reading the article before posting = what everyone with an opinion does on the internets, right?

Not quite, my friend. You can force a user to have a password on their device, you can remotely wipe that device, set timeouts and such, but you cannot micro-control what you can and cannot do on an iPhone.