Tremec, + 1 Yugo (aka the Blugo)

Group B has always fascinated me. I know the focus is always on the vehicles themselves (for good reason), but hopefully this film does an authentic job of getting into the head of those drivers that were skilled (and crazy) enough to pilot these magnificent machines at the edge of control, and sometimes beyond.

The big issue I've had is having space to work. I've lived at apartment complexes for the last five or six years. I didn't really have the room to do anything that substantial. Plus, leasing offices didn't take too kindly to cars sitting on jack stands for more than one day (as evidenced by one office trying to have

I'd want to take a closer look at that respray just to make sure it's not of Maaco-esque quality, but overall the car seems to be clean.

I missed the ampersand at first, saw Chrysler TC, and was like "huh?"

Even if he wasn't driving, I could see a wrongful death civil case brought against him on the basis of negligent entrustment, assuming that Gevorgyan had reason to know that the actual driver of the Mustang was a reckless driver.*

That brought back some memories. Ugh survival mode was brutal . . . but I guess that was the point. lol

I love the "suggested locations" part of the instruction sheet/backing. Steering wheel? Really?

This song has been on a certain iPod playlist of mine for the better part of ten years. I feel old now. Thanks.

The way the co-driver is flipping through his route guide as he walks towards the corner leads me to believe that something wasn't recorded correctly and that the turn might have been a bit sharper than originally believed. . .

I would say that that "DRUNKY" license plate in that newspaper picture was photoshopped, but that was the 1970s, so . . .

Looks like a freakin' hedgehog.

Easy oversight, as that comma shouldn't even be there. . .

I applaud your decision, kind sir or ma'am!

Bonus points for posting the Spanish version of the poster. I'm guessing all English-language posters for this debacle have been rightfully purged from the Internet and this one surviving was a mere oversight?

Hmm lining the streets to watch a drag race on a public street? This sounds like a classic case of assumption of the risk to me. I would think that would severely compromise and at least de-value any potential civil claim (i.e., wrongful death).

Providing you with a convertible in February (even in Austin) really speaks volumes about how half-assedly VW is marketing this vehicle.

Touché. I just thought it would make a good freeway cruiser, given the power-to-weight ratio and such (we have a TON of freeways down here in Texas).

I like the idea of the V8 swap, which is out of the norm for these cars. I'm personally not a fan of the bodystyle of this gen compared to the subsequent gen.

"Please make a U-Turn when safe."

Isn't this some sort of copyright violation? I mean, sure, he owns the Lotus Esprit sub now, but I don't think that gives him the right to use the likeness of the vehicle in this manner. Doesn't Eon Productions or Lotus own the right to the image?