
I’ve been replacing incandescent bulbs in recessed receptacles in my basement as they burn out with these GE LED and they look so much like the old ones, they only way to know is to put my hand close to feel the heat of the old bulbs.

I don’t know if it’s the same in the US, but I just got a new car here in Canada and it came with a free 3 months of Sirius XM. I activated the account thinking I could go to the website to cancel, but cancellation is only possible through their 1-800 number. I’ll have to look if something similar exists here so I can

If you upload all the PDF files to OneDrive (free or paid) they will be fully searchable from the Onedrive search bar.

I do a lot of genealogy research online, and when I want to keep a page, I use Zotero. It takes a local snapshot of the page and will index it for easy retrieval. You can also add meta data and tags to your page.