
There must be some sort of mistake. No pilot ever tests positive on NBC.

What’s this world coming to when you can’t believe a t-shirt anymore? Next, you’ll tell me my buddy at the bar ISN’T a female body inspector.

I think Peele got to have his cake and eat it, too. The original ending is what everyone thinks is going to happen right at that moment, so you get that bit of commentary very strongly, even if it’s only implied. Then you get the immense relief of a still perfectly plausible alternative (we know Rob’s been tracking

As a frequent user of the CTA trains and buses, I can tell you I don’t say anything to those people because the last thing I want to do on my commute is start some shit with a human who I already know to be too inconsiderate to wear goddamn headphones. It would not be a productive conversation.

You really have to watch out for the people who are doing this hoping to be called out so they can lose their shit on that person. I see it happen all the time on public transportation with people blaring music from their phones sans headphones and making eye contact with everybody around them, just daring anybody to

My phone ringer has never been on. I don’t understand people who leave all these bells and whistles activated. Whenever an old person at my office sends an email, it sounds like a rocket launching into space. I forgot that is setup by default until I was jarred awake in a meeting the other day. CRAZY.

I was on a bus with 3 other lonesome strap holders today and the driver stopped the damn bus in the street to walk back and yell at a dude for watching a video without headphones. To me, he’s the real troops.

Can I get a hate addendum for cell-phone-left-at-desk-with-ringer-on?

I have a friend who is a flight attendant, who increasingly spends his time admonishing parents that, yes, darling Nigel must wear headphones. And countering the inevitable ‘but he’s not bothering anyone’ with,’yeah, he is, and anyway, them’s the rules, so ‘phone it or stow it, pops!’

Thank God this guy was wearing headphones:

Asked how they felt about their coach’s dismissal, a team spokesperson said, “No woman, no cry.”

“ it’s important to remind people when someone is a sexual harasser”

Oh absolutely. I have in-laws in Maine. Once you can no longer smell the ocean, you’re in fucking Arkansas.

Where can one pickup a pair of those gloves with the claws? I have a cat I need to teach a lesson.

That’s not the real Leno. That man’s only HALF covered in denim.

I feel like that was probably cut-content.

I figured that’s where they were going with that, especially since the doors opening in tight clearance was a major selling point.

I was disappointed that they didn’t use the falcon doors to escape Clarkson’s trap.

I completely agree. Celeste is fantastic in so many ways, but especially in the fact that it’s so positive and supportive even as it becomes ridiculously challenging. Plus it has better character growth and plot arc than most AAA games in less than 1/4 of the time.

There’s always THAT person in pretty much all articles like this. Today, that’s you. Congrats.