
There are many industries out there, and companies, in which extra work is not always (if at all) compensated. It’s “part of the culture”.

Get that burnout-apologist horseshit out of here. I’ve developed games for a decade now. Burnouts and death marchs can be avoided with smart and honest planning.

If you’re earning six figures in a finance firm, then that arrangement may be fair. I have friends who have decided to be so busy. Yes, they like that; more importantly, they have been paid well for the inconvenience?

every waking moment? really? there is so much wrong with that statement I don’t even know where to begin. if you want to dedicate every waking hour to your job then that’s your prerogative, and good on you; but this shouldn’t be an expected norm. people need sleep, they need time off, they need time with their

I think with the games industry it’s not so much the demand to work this hard, but the demand to work this hard for absolutely no extra compensation whatsoever.

Who’s being prudish? One can accept it existing and be ok with it yet still see right through the “I just go there for the wings” fascade.

youd think a promotion with Sonics would be a better fit,

You know, I thought Sonic was done with human women after what happened in 2006.

many men write in to tell her that they turn to get sports to “get away” from women

I think we will continue to underestimate just how much men despise women up until Trump is re-elected in 2020 when we run another female candidate against him(I told my dad 2 years ago that Hillary Clinton would lose). People want to keep hoping, think these are vocal minorities, that men aren’t that bad. I promise

In an article for the New York Times, DiCaro reveals that many men write in to tell her that they turn to get sports to “get away” from women

I’m going to lose my husband at the supermarket? I guess now is the time to stop dillydallying and buy that harness.

that was funniest part of this whole thing to me. Just a few weeks ago when she started that mess Torrei for no reason ..then now look where we are lol ..never seen karma move that quick

Yeah, I always felt bad for her. He was a really nice guy to speak with, super thoughtful, but this whole breeding his wife to death was just this twisted offshoot that was so incongruous. He already had 3 older kids by an ex wife as well (all three born a year apart as well). Not to mention, wife two was 30 years

I worked with a guy who had 3 kids under 4, plus a premie and his wife was pregnant again. He was crazy religious though, one of those quiverfull types who thought it was his job personally to outbreed the infidels. I don’t think his wife went more than a month without being pregnant for about 5 years.

In before 400 eager posters start saying they’ll help her...

Well yeah. How would you get them on your feet otherwise?


I once had an anxiety attack in a Macy’s

I used to be like the first guy.