
Sorry, have to call bullshit on this. Shelter dogs ARE for everyone. Literally. EVERY kind of dog you could want can be found in shelters. Maybe not one shelter on one visit, but they get big dogs and little dogs, smart dogs and dumb dogs, shy dogs and outgoing dogs, cuddly dogs and aloof dogs. Anyone who says they

My sister has three retired greyhounds and they are super lazy and easy, but you better be rich because their tissue-paper skin and bird bones get damaged VERY easily. None of them have any issues with stairs, but one does have a hard time with hardwood floors. They can be nervous animals, so he slipped once and hurt

Here’s my moment to say: you don’t “need” a special dog breed to be a family pet. If you have allergies, or have sheep to herd, or need a hunting animal or whatever ok fine. But if you just want something to love and be loved by, there is no better place to find that friend than your local shelter. Every pet we’ve had

Don’t get the dogs they use for the Iditarod unless you’re prepared to devote a decent chunk of time to wear their asses out.

I lived with a husky who was an amazing dog but also a seriously smart pain in the ass. They are definitely not a beginner-level dog.

Huskies are amazing dorky weirdos, but not entry-level dogs. They’re smart and they need a LOT of attention.

I happened upon a husky mix 5 years ago and after several weeks of searching for her home with no luck, decided to keep her. She is the sweetest dog but Jesus is she hard work. They’re escape artists and runners and will not stop. After an entire year of obedience school and a real-time GPS collar, we’re a lot

I got a husky 4 years ago and named her Dany (wanted a husky well before GoT but I did name her after a GoT character). She is a pain in my ass that I have to take running everyday and play with at the worst times. She has cost me thousands of dollars in property damage. I also love her to death and couldn’t fathom

That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works.

Sending the one blacksmith who knows how to reforge Valyrian steel off on an incredibly dangerous mission instead of forging weapons and teaching others how to do so? Idiotic. But it was lovely watching him swing that war hammer.

Sansa, tell Arya that Jon would be FUCKING FURIOUS if you executed an ally just for mild shit-talking.

Of course. Way back in S1 Sansa was a teenage girl who had the nerve to act like a teenage girl and they *still* hate her for it.

Realizing Gendry is good with a battle hammer, like his father: Great

Guys. I know it would make for boring TV, but CAN’T THE CHARACTERS DEBRIEF EACH OTHER A LITTLE.

I know. You spent 2 seasons with Arya. She got you out of Harrenhal. She taught you how to sword fight.

The prevailing theory is that Gendry, like the rest of Westeros, thinks Arya is dead, and finds it too painful to talk about her.

Who knows? They’ve never bothered actually explaining it. Apparently they thought endless stick fighting montages were way more important.

Gendry look like a young Christian Bale a bit? Before Batman Begins? Am I seeing something?

So I’m thrilled Gendry is back, but... I was more than a little annoyed that he did not mention Arya at all when he was talking with Jon. Like, he and Arya were super tight, on their trip up the King’s Road/imprisonment at Harrenhal/kidnapping by the Brotherhood. They knew and protected each other for SEASONS and

It’s almost scary how good they are!