man, I cannot wait for this game. Sadly, I will probably have to wait until the semester is over to play it.
man, I cannot wait for this game. Sadly, I will probably have to wait until the semester is over to play it.
@AndStuff: HAHAHA...
That was pretty cool! Makes the black powder I use in a muzzle loader seem so weak comparably.
@William Henry Harrison: True dat!!! Can't wait.
I drink Tea but it isn't a morning ritual or anything like that. Unlike many of my colleagues, and wife included, I don't need my morning cup of joe or tea to get my day started. Water is the way to go most of the time for me.
@Dr. What?: I'm pretty sure she's a bad guy and just now has a change of heart because of her son trying to find her.
@wjbean: It essentially is a rail gun, it just doesn't provide thrust the entire length of a barrell. I was originally thinking impulse cannon but the principles are backwards from what he described. Would would really increase the strength would be more turns of the wire. The more turns of an inductor, the stronger…
@William Henry Harrison: Except in AC: Brotherhood, apparently now multiple enemies can attack and you can take out multiple enemies simultaneously.
@silvermoonstar3: The only problem is that things have probably changed and been updated since you started. There may be some suspicion why you have a laptop with 3 year old software standards on it when everyone was updated 6 months ago.
@Chewbenator: I have the same card with the 55nm architecture. It is fantastic. I won't consider getting a new card until I'm rolling in money...that'll be a while.
@deanhatescoffee: unless you have pre-loaded map information already on the phone. I know that I use Google Maps on my WiMo phone so the data would be required $$$.
If you are in the US, the "national do not call list" is an option. However, if the telemarketer received the number because you provided it for something legitimate, they can still technically call you. the best approach for me has been to call the number back, get to a real person, and tell them to remove you from…
@Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.: Did he really end up being one of the founders of Eureka? He left before it became a town and was still a military installation. It's possible Eureka was established after he was gone and so no one would have any memory of a Dr Grant. Dr Grant himself said that when he looked up his…
the deals are only 360 games though, except for transformers...lame!
@GusF: Apparently after giving up after three seasons they started producing some quality episodes.
when they said the longer you keep your mouth shut, I thought it was referring to first make out sessions and getting a little to frisky on the first attempt.
@kernelRiot: I work on a program that is an acronym, three of the letters in the acronym represent other acronyms. It's quiet a cluster...)
@TheTechnocrat: I'm pretty sure they could do that now. If they can cut with lasers, they can cook with lasers.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? How the heck am I supposed to figure that out!?!?!?!