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P.S. It also makes your stools amazing. Full on odorless, bulky, and clean.

Philly is in the Northeast. Anything north of the Mason-Dixon line and east of the Great Lakes is considered the Northeast.

“The Gang Finds a Robot”

What are you talking about? The Mid-Atlantic falls squarely within the Northeast.

Mid-Atlantic + New England = the Northeast

i live in philly. whether it geographically is or is not, 99% of people who live here will call this the north east.

That’s not an old phone story. This is an old phone story:

People who live in New York City - population 8 MILLION - refer to their borough (Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, the Bronx, Manhattan) as where they “live.” This is because there is often times such a huge difference in life and culture from borough to borough, not to mention neighborhood to neighborhood within one

Man I suppose I am envious of these guys. I have been paralyzed for about 8 years and haven’t quite gotten over my self loathing and discomfort around other disabled people. They're doing much better

Worst beard since Nicole Kidman.

Wait a minute. You mean to say that Sony Pictures Entertainment compromised the artistic integrity of an Adam Sandler movie to make more money. Jesus wept.

fair point.

It’s been done.

Nooo.. Both Satire and Parody are protected speech ..

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<sigh> Since everyone seems to be too stupid to listen to someone who knows what they’re talking about, here’s a few other, more extreme, examples of fair use:

Greatness. Pure greatness. She inspires me and countless other little black girls to not be ashamed of our bodies, our strength, our hair, just fucking everything. The Williams sisters are by far my favorite athletes and are some of the best in their sport. People will talk shit, some deserved, but she is the best.

You know nuclear bombs aren’t like fog or something, right? That they hit a specific spot, and explode outwards, with the greatest damage in the center and falling off as you get father from ground zero?

It would last LONGER, due to the radiation preventing decomposition.

I am extremely pro gun control and as a parent of a young toddler cannot imagine keeping a weapon on my body, but I think you’re making some unfair assumptions. Based on the information here it’s not clear whether or not the situation was escalating, and saying that “the worst thing that can happen to you is that they

Right, because if a man refuses to leave you alone after you politely tell him you can’t give him what he asks for, that’s not continued harassment or intimidation at all. Not saying it’s worth pulling a gun out over, but seriously?