
A truly wise judge would have followed the example of Solomon, and ordered that Dan Snyder be cut in half.

Don't see the problem, but yes, bullying is bad.

I SWEAR TO GOD...if the next article you post isn't about the breaking news on Dwight Howard fucking a 16 year old, I'm changing my Deadspin bookmark to Bleacher Report.

I wonder how fair it would sound to you if you found out your little girl was stabbed 19 times and left for dead.

being lancer is forever suffering.... such bad luck

I still love this comic.

Its been out for two years now, way past the spoiler statute of limitations


In Saya no Uta your thoughts will be more like this:

little spoilery

Yeah, I'm right there with you. It's cool to be bitter, nobody gonna blame you. Here, I'll join you! :P

No, I see that he talks like a weasel.

Be careful there: it's easy to be a role model when people are focusing on how you perform professionally and conduct yourself in public: once you open the door to reality show, you're allowing everyone to scrutinize your private life, and private lives are not as neat and tidy. Jackie Robinson didn't need to let us

They must not be very prominent Republicans, because those guys tend to dodge drafts.

Between the misuse of words, terrible recommendation list, and this gem

Mahouka=babby's first social commentary featuring Gary Stu and his harem

Took me over 72 hours when I first beat it back in February of 2000. Best FF ever, screw 7.

[drops vape pen, dons fedora] quick! to Reddit!