
Thank You! You saved a friend and I the trouble of figuring this out! Honestly we just assumed that they would turn into a pile of mush.

My wife hates it when this happens to me, because those statements trigger my sarcastic reflex, and things like “which part of ‘no’ did you not understand?” start pouring forth from my pie hole, and then I get an elbow to the ribs.

Answer is still no though.

Here is my “no” script:

I can’t believe a company would release a product and not make it manageable from the web. That’s just so, so stupid.

As someone who determines who gets raises and in what amount, I can tell you why talking about salary can be bad. Say you discuss your salary with a coworker. You make 20% more than them and do the same job. I give raises to my highest performers, ones that do things without being asked, have stellar attendance. Now