
That's what happens when you try to force a monodirectional port to handle bidirectional traffic.

Oh, that's easy. I was picturing a fancy hand-cranked noodle-maker thingee, but udon is large enough to make hand-cutting easy enough. Thanks for the reply... I think I have a new weekend recipe to try.

Can you suggest any good udon recipes? We have the ingredients, but I've never attempted the construction, so to speak.

It was an exposé? Is this scandalous? Was there some sort of coverup? Perhaps the cars they drive are somehow disreputable. A crime is being brought to public attention, is it?

Hackers? On my network?

Great movie. It's on Netflix. Not a comedy or typical martial arts show. It's a pretty well-made movie about Bruce Lee's first martial arts teacher— historical liberties are taken, but it's well-choreographed and worth catching.

Or maybe the feelings are ambiguous. "I sense a disturbance in the Force, as though a group of bar patrons cried out in terror only to be suddenly silenced. Or possibly gas."

Off topic, but have you ever watched "Ip Man"? There's a scene where the protagonist challenges 10 opponents to a fight and, one by one, quickly wipes the floor with them until there's only one left. That lone opponent is one nervous looking dude. If the baddies *must* fight the overwhelmingly strong good guy, that

Erinacea dentada? Scary...

<badass>"I know. I've been drinking for the last 45 seconds."</badass>

That seems consistent with what Lucas was trying to get across. A once-great, now-stale order of peacekeepers, many doing their thing largely by force of reputation rather than skill. When confronted with real opposition, very few could handle it. Also, many were diplomats— capable, but not incredible, warriors.

Yes. It's called "Force Bleach".

Yup, pretty much. I'd guess that the number of fake, self-proclaimed Navy SEALs probably significantly exceeds the number of actual SEALs. I suppose that some self-promoting douche could buy a Maglight and claim he's a Jedi. And that'll last until he finds out that the guy that claims to be a Mandalorian really

Fantastic. That is all.

On 7, it should be "final-drive ratio", not "ration". Unless, of course, it refers to the one's last meal before fiery car death!, it which case I withdraw my complaint.

Re: Bentley, it's not that hard, guys. Just bore that puppy out, drop on bigger turbos, and you got MOAR!!! Seriously, I could do this in my driveway over a couple weekends.

It shouldn't be too hard to fight that... make the inductive element off-center, or widen the bezel, or an overall shape that it's rectangular, substantial adornment, etc. I'm sure Apple could provide a list of recommendations.

Don't go for bulletproof "Hulk smash!" cars and SUVs. Go for stealth. Go for blended-in anonymity. Be as remarkable and noticeable as a dishwasher at Sears.

Not in the market they released the movies to, anyway...

Those look Holoshopped. I can tell from some of the voxels and from seeing quite a few 'shops in my time.