
Also from The Princess Bride, blunter:

One can still find the occasional R.O.U.S. I know this is one because I wanted to stab it when it came up to me.

You're aware that the Andromeda Galaxy has initiated an unprovoked and unwarranted initiative to absorb the Milky Way, right? Some bleeding-heart types claim it's the result of simple gravity (which is really just a theory, anyway— not a fact!) but isn't it interesting that this so-called "natural convergence" just

I think there are at least 2 major contributing factors. The first was already pointed out by Anibal Perez. The second is that there has been a shift in thinking with regard to personal safety and responsibility. It used to be much more common that people accepted responsibility for their own safety— their mindset,

Good analogy. I might steal it, if that's ok.

How about spot reduction? I still hear that one from time to time.

You know, that's just what came to mind... "Needs more dragon on the hood."

If I had one, it would be a decorative letter opener, nothing more. That's what it would be good for in my case.

I'll tell you what I'd do, man: 200,000 chicks at the same time, man.

Do the ATM machines that you put your PIN number into have NIC cards? I wonder. I mean, they must, right? They're not connecting to a LAN network per se, but the still have to connection via IP protocol. I think I'll get a bucket of KFC chicken and ask the guys on my IRC chat channel.

There's a "Seymour Johnson Air Force Base".

Yeah, I don't get that either. Unless they're talking about Jay Leno's twin-turbo LS6 rear-drive conversion. That qualifies. But as a make, generally? No way.

And they all keep wearing less and less to prove they're better looking. It's an escalation where no one wins. Except us. We win.

Might I recommend checking out the Samsung Series 7 Windows tablet? We got a demo unit here at work... I only had a few minutes of play time, but so far I'm impressed.

Hey, baby. Come here often? So what's your MBPT assessment?

That's the only part I recall that even implies exposed jibbly bits, and even then in an obviously nonsexual way. It's a shower, for crying out loud!

And did you know that simply doing a search-and-replace of "wand" with "wang" in Harry Potter— a difference of one letter!— makes it quite filthy?

THANKS FOR TELLING EVERYONE!!! Geez, man, we were trying to keep that quiet!

In the passenger's colon. Volunteering is appreciated, but not necessary.

Gotta have a little love for the Rocket 88. What was arguably the first rock n' roll song (Rocket 88 by "Jackie Brenston and his Delta Cats") was about what was arguably the first muscle car, starting off a long-lived love affair. So, it's not about the car itself so much as the cultural trend it started, but