
I find Glocks strange. They're great guns, and I wish I could like them, but there just seems to be some strange incompatibility between my hand and Glocks. I really don't get it. It always feels like I'm trying to point a brick downrange. I have an XD .40 SC, a 1911, and a Kel-Tec PF9. All are fine. The Glocks,

Every time I meet a car or gun nut I say the same thing, "I'm sorry." They usually figure it out.

No, he pulls an Elijah and ascends to heaven in a flaming chariot driven by green slave girls.

Ah, so you probably studied my text, "Studies in Confidence and Capture". Could I have you for dinner and talk about it?

Yeah... people don't seem to get this simple set of equations:

Funny how 4WD seems helpful when you want to go, but less so when you want to stop. There might be a lesson here, kids.

Sure. Even if one supposes that police are self-serving, corrupt, etc, they are still subject to the courts, and having a case thrown out on technicality is something they really dislike. There may be a few attempts here and there, but they'll learn pretty quickly. Huge changes have been enforced on the LE

Aww, man, not only am I straight, but you definitely do not want me on your team. Seriously... out of shape, buying clothes by the pound, etc. The only good thing, really, is that I've been learning to use a double-edged safety razor, and my shaving has really improved. Seriously, it's pretty amazing. Smooth as an

And a fire brigade leader that requisitions several times their normal allotment of suppression foam is very helpful. Apparently that was one of the contributing factors to the incredible survival of the Enterprise CV-6. And the USS Franklin... good heavens, what an incredible ship and crew. They had no business

Well, as a 6'6" guy, I'm a little pissed this hasn't happened.

Crap, people, leave me alone, alright? My WAP has a "choose random SSID" feature. That just happens to be what it chose. It could have chosen "Fa776L Sx5 Az094" or "1BvNo3". It just happened to choose, "F*ck All Jews and N*****s". Nothing to see here.

While fully agreeing with your intent, I would simply point out that the blacked-out sites are not examples of "civil disobedience". Their sites are theirs to do with as they please, and even by technicality no law is being broken. Perhaps "demonstrative inconvenience"?

Give the man a break. I know I've taken some chances to get to a bathroom before I spring a leak. Yeah, he wrecked a ship and inconvenienced a few people, but it's better than peeing himself.

So I guess you haven't been back since the 90's, then. The art is very much updated and improved.

And he can keep any pieces of the Tomahawk he can find!

I think Gizmodo just Slashdotted some poor guy!

I think it's just to make people feel better about themselves. They're not real friends, but people can't accept that and move on, so they place each other into a limbo between "friends" and "not-friends". That limbo is called "Facebook friendship", and it bears a remarkable resemblance to the friends generated by

What do I win if I never had one?

Wow. Without regard to the actual content of your post, I'd just like to point out that every sentence ended with a triple exclamation point. Your life is much more dramatic than mine, wherein most of my sentences end with mere periods.