
Oh no! White people took a stupid term and made it stupider! I know! Let's write an entire "article" devoted to said term and shit all over the people who are misusing it. It's a kind of a stupi thing to say anyway, but since white people snatched it up, let's feign outrage!

Guy meets girl. Guy and girl date. Guy and girl break up. Guy goes to great lengths to show girl how much he wants her back. Guy is criticized by feminists on Jezebel. Sounds about right.

Dude. Totally check out The Pact. It was just on netflix for ahwhile and scared the shit out of me. I slept with the lights on.

I got way too shitfaced at a wedding once. Damn martinis with no vermouth, and got into the can which was a SUV. Of course I got stuck in the third row of seats and after about 10 minutes I couldn't hold back. I barfed all over the back seats and floor. At the next red light I crawled over the brides aunt and uncle

You're so creative!

Excelln job as always Jezebel! Only your "writers" can turn pictures of the harsh realities of having a deadly disease in a 3rd world country into a racist agenda.

That swirling wind is so rude. It wasn't blowing the right way.

The Killing has Detective Linden. Detective Linden is awesome.

That, and she doesn't play anything. She just bounces along to the music. I was expecting to see boobs pulling strings or hitting piano keys or somehing.

It's because he's black!

your ass

She didn't like her beads?

Only on Jezebel would you get a bunch of "nice" people complaining about how mean the guy was. This dude is wandering in the woods naked and claims he doesn't know where he is. That could be true, or a load of bullshit. This guy was forceful, because he cared for his life first and foremost which is how I would feel

So let's round up a couple of you folks on here who think he was mean and put you in the woods. We'll have some naked person randomly walk up to you and see if you take the shirt off your back for them. Seriously. People are fucked up man. Just because someone tells you they're naked and has a head injury doesn't mean

I agree that therapy with animals can be effective on many different levels. It can teach responsibility, increase happiness, etc. However, smoking weed does not an addict make. It's weed for shit's sake. It's not even nearly on the same level of alcohol, a legal substance. Sending someone to rehab for weed, trace

So let's flip this and say a black lesbian couple got a white kid and were upset by it. Any issues then? Probably not. I'd be upset too. She's faced enough bullshit in her life being gay, and now all he wants is a white child. I agree that she should just suck it up and deal, as giving the kid up for adoption or

Sweater cows is also a fun one. Although I can't imagine too many women getting psyched about that.

I want to know more about this guinea pig onesie.

The whole review is awful. He goes on about racism for 4 paragraphs.

He also opens his review talking about how the place is racist because fried chicken paired with champ is apparently discriminatory against black people. So yeah, he may be a great writer but t sounds like he had an axe to grind with this place.