I have to agree in this case. It's misogynistic at best, and probably not the most appropriate thing to be playing. If some ravens fans were playin this at the tail gate, it would definitely e frowned upon.
I have to agree in this case. It's misogynistic at best, and probably not the most appropriate thing to be playing. If some ravens fans were playin this at the tail gate, it would definitely e frowned upon.
You spanked your kid for being an asshole. It's not the end of the world. It'll be fine.
The majority of this list.
Great points. I'm all for defending yourself if you're getting beat on, and it doesn't matter by who. But this is an nfl player. He makes a living hitting people really hard. He's really strong. There's no need to unload on this woman. And to drag her out is just the icing on the I don't give a shit cake.
I think you just proved his point. Jazz fans tend to get all riled up when you say anything negative about "their" music. Hell, I've done it myself. The best comeback is the classic, "you just don't get jazz." No, some people just don't like it. But again, you say that and jazzoids get pissed.
Have you ever sweated your balls off in a cotton t shirt? It sucks.
Docs Draft pear hard cider is pretty damn tasty as well.
I was just going to mention them being I'm in albany as well. I've never had it bc I'm not a big cider drinker, but hey, Tis the season!
To be fair, I think they finally realized that they suck.
I agree with you to an extent. I was reacting to what I felt was a downplay of women's rights in your comment. If I misread you, I apologize.
Women just got the right to vote not even 100 years ago, they still make less money than men for the same jobs, standard insults to insinuate a sub par ability to do "man" stuff revolve around doing things "like a girl", chick cars are seen as a bad thing, women are routinely called cunts and whores when they won't…
You don't know how Raycism works do you?
I was just goin to star this, but felt that a holy shit you're right was more appropriate.
Tis the season, and I'd love to see a review on Southern Tier Pumking.
Lo, a pup does run towards the sea, with naught a care in the world.
Ha! Great joke brah! Next you can make a completely unoriginal sophomoric jab at her gender!
donkey kong sucks
It confuses me that someone would mispronounce that. It's a simple fucking word, but they still put the phonetic spelling on the bottles.
There are some lizards that are eating your legs!
Of course one of the top comments on an article giving kudos to a charity for rejecting scumbag money berates men. It's cancer people. It doesn't matter who it affects.