
That's weird dude. I'm close with my sister but I'd never say anything about her vagina.

Is it still a thing where your kid is required to invite all the kids in class so nobody has hurt feelings? That was a thing when I was a kid and it was bullshit.

Is this because you feel weird about having all of those things at your grownup birthday? Because if you do, don't. Shit, now I want a fucking petting zoo for my 30th.

Burneko loves Skyline Chili!

Someday the Tide will turn for these kids, and they'll be the ones getting bullied.

Delicious madness.

You must be new 'round these parts. Let's show you around shall we? This fine community that you've invited yourself to be a part of is inhabited by the vilest, most non-pc, sarcastic bastards you've ever met. Basically, it's the best part of the internet. Sometimes people make jokes. And sometimes those jokes go

I don't joke about such serious matters.

They're penguins this year. And Keyboard Cat is performing the half time show.

Awesome find. Thanks man.

Makes me appreciate my dad not showing me Jeremiah Johnson until I was old enough to appreciate it. I probably wouldn't have like it at that age either. But man, what an awesome film. I should pick up some Jack London now. I've always wanted to check his books out.

This is awesome.

It just should. Nor am I a douche bag or a hipster or from the middle east. Different strokes my friend.

Shrimp mayo doritos. That sounds really gross. And yes. It's a real thing.

But it's Velveeta and Rotel. So you go to Hell! Ha! Now it's a rhyming insult!

Runny Asshole would be a great name for a dip. It would definitely have corn in it.

Yeah, it's a bummer because most of the time the gyms open at normal people work times and close around 9 or 10 at night. If you're anywhere near a Central Rock gym though, they usually open around 6 am, and some come equipped with full fitness centers, yoga classes, spinning, etc.

It's really good when you dip pizza in it.

. Double post.

Seriously. What kind of miscreant prefers guac over baba ganoush? I'm glad to see someone else shares my misplaced rage over this.