
Do you realize how many people say they're easy going and laid back? I was on OKC for awhile, and the amount of times you see that are astounding. Sure, that person may think they're easy going and laid back, but there's a solid chance that a good number of them are not easy going or laid back. But it's cool to be

So let's forget for a minute that the NFL is a business first, a concerned about breast cancer group of men and women second. The fact is, millions of people watch football every week. That means that millions of people are made aware that October is breast cancer awareness month. That means that there is a very good

I thought this was an unusual comment for jezebel. Well played sir, well played.

This needs to be out of the gray.

You suck so much right now. I expected more from you. Blue is last? I should have seen this coming though after the freeze pop nonsense.

Where is it implied that it's because Mississippi? It's a factual story about some Ole Miss football players who did in fact shout "fag" during a play. That's not libel or anything. It happened. This is the story.

Besides the fact that the ACA is a law. So repubs are basically throwing a temper tantrum, albeit one that screws everyone over except themselves.

Absolutely agreed with the last point. She's not blameless. But like many other characters on this show, there are people who don't want to see the bad qualities. They immediately peg her as the victim because of a whole bunch of stuff. It's like the people who still see Walt as this great guy because he did it for

I almost cried with laughter when I realized she was dumping ricin in that tea.

To add, I think that Anna Gunn was phenomenal. Definitely one of the best parts of the show. But the Skylar character was still an asshole enough of the time for me to not feel completely bad for her.

She was ready to bail on him until she found out how much money he was making. Then she came up with the idea of the car wash. Then she helped him launder money. I'm not saying she's not a victim here, because she is. But she took an active role in this whole thing. She was a pain in the ass from the first episode

Maybe I am dead inside. And inside a dead dude is no place for a kid. I'm selfish when it comes to this topic, I admit it freely. I don't want kids. I don't want to deal with this shit day in and day out. I don't care if the karate kick is adorable. I don't like the responsibility that comes with kids. I don't want it

Um, because bears?

I love my nephew because he's my nephew. He's a great kid. But I've had to watch him before while my sister was out, and he's a pain in the ass. First he shit his diaper and then didn't want to be changed. I don't want to clean up a shitty ass, and I'm definitely not doing that while he's kicking and screaming and

What rule changes are now in place to benefit passing teams?

21 K is 13.1 miles roughly. So that would be accurate for the half at least. I didn't look at the map, just the calculation.

Fantastic. Thanks for contributing nothing to the discussion. The original question was, how does not liking rap make you racist? You showed the same amount of ignorance as someone would who dismisses all rap without actually listening to any of it, by stating that you can just think someone is racist without having

They split up. Why should he continue to pay for her?

If this is the way it happens, well you are just a forseer of all things awesome.

Well I think it's kind of crappy to judge that based on an OKC profile. After all, you're putting your tastes out there for people to see and hoping to get a date with someone based on your tastes. If music is a big thing to you, and let's be honest, most people talk about music especially on a first date, you're