
The kid with the jug is an asshole for sure, but the rest of them look like nothing more than friends screwing around with other friends. My girlfriend and I play fight all the time, and we punch the shit out of each other when we do so. It's always in jest, and we always walk away laughing. Not everything needs to be

This is fantastic. I've prided myself on being that guy on multiple occasions. Sometimes it inappropriate, but sometimes it just feels right.

It doesn't justify any of it. That's the point. This site calls out "creepers" like the guy who wrote this article, but celebrates pictures of shirtless men with comments like, "I need to excuse myself" and "oops! there go my pants!" Why is that okay?

Double standards everywhere on this site. I can find at least 4 blogs written in the last week about how hot this guy is, or how gorgeous that guy is, complete with comments about pants flying off and excuse me I need some alone time. Hell, there's one about 5 posts up about a woman in a "delicious Jessie Pinkman,

I understand that completely. That's actually why it took me so long to get the nerve up to ask my girlfriend out, and we were at a rock gym, and I certainly wasn't there to hit on women, she just happened to catch my eye. But, I know there are a lot of skeevy guys out there who go out just to hit on women. They've

Isn't this site about not generalizing against people, even us men? Saying that every gym is there for guys to check women out is a gross over exaggeration, and it's not fair to make that observation. Typically, yoga has been a place for women in modern culture. I can't blame this guy for feeling uncomfortable going

If you shave your beard you'll be turning your back on all of us who rock them everyday. Be proud of your beard! But maybe put those clippers to a 3 or 4. You'll get the glory that is beard but still show off the jawline.

There is a man pinterest, I forget what it's called, but it's just as silly as pinterest. Plus it has the forced feel of being ONLY FOR MEN! so it's even worse.

It's because not all men are like this. Some men are uncomfortable with all of this shit, but there are many men, including myself who don't care. I eat egg white omelettes every morning with tons of fresh veggies and love me a good salad. But there is a market of men out there that this appeals to. It's the same

These are all fanfuckingtastic.


What do you a fish with no eye?

They swim in schools!

Why are fish so smart?

And guys very often can't change diapers, don't know how cleaning works or get confused as all hell by yogurts that sounds like desserts. So there's that.

Seriously. If the LAPD did this to somebody the internets would be awash with people calling for their badges.

What makes us uncomfortable is the fact that this person tried to kill thousands of innocent spectators, and Rolling Stone picked a very flattering picture as it's cover photo for a story about a monster. I understand what you're trying to do, and that's to discourage racial profiling because a lot of times it's

I don't know what farm you grew up on, but on my farm it took us at least 7 1/2 minutes for a fresh batch of pa's homemade whipped cream. Those were the days. Nothing like a mouthful of fresh cream after all that hard churning.

I was making a joke. I don't know what kind of fancy pants drinks they make there b/c I get black coffee. I'm sorry my sarcasm went unappreciated. I'll try harder harder next time to be more factually accurate.

So there's this definition that I found of a mochachino-This is a variation of the Caffe Latte, but chocolate syrup is added before the steamed milk/milk.