
Just make sure you take your shirt off, but keep the beanie on.

Get like 10 pounds of rice and put it in a bucket. Bury your hands as deep as you can in the rice and just clench your fists over and over. It'll kill you. Rock climbers do it and I've heard from multiple sources it works wonderfully.

I think your response is great. And while I agree that a naked body is nothing to be ashamed of, I just don't think it's appropriate to walk around a house naked in front of your kids. I know that I've seen both my parents naked, but not in a long, long time. If I have, it's because my dad decided to change in the

Maybe when he was younger. I don't know about anybody else, but my mom didn't walk around the house naked. Of course I've seen both my parents naked, but I could see it being a bit uncomfortable for the guy. It's like hey mom! Your boobies are right there!

Oh, no worries. I went through and read it again and it does say it was donated. I read that as more of a gift though, than getting it for free.

I did read the article, I obviously missed that part. I still stick by my other comments thought.

They ate a shit load of pasta just nights before. Pasta=gluten. So therefore...? Gift basket dude thought it was okay.

You're all focusing on the fluff part of it. The basket had a lot of other shit in there too, probably gourmet shit at that. And seriously, fuck people for getting mad about fluff. I love me some fluff.

I thought the same thing, but he already got them a gift certificate to go out. We also don't know how much he spent on the wedding basket. And maybe this couple was already really well established with their home and what not and didn't have a big registry. Maybe they're both very successful and the gift giver didn't

My reply was that a sedentary lifestyle is more a cause for obesity than living in the suburbs. Again, just because people walk a lot doesn't mean that they don't take care of themselves in other ways. Someone with a desk job in the suburbs is a good example. Those people don't walk a lot throughout the course of a

You're focusing on one part of my reply. Your original statement was a generalization that living in areas that require you to drive to places to shop makes you obese. I was saying this isn't the case. There are people of all shapes and sizes everywhere. And just because someone walks a lot doesn't mean they don't go

I certainly wasn't saying that it's totally based on lifestyle, just a large portion of it. I have massive amounts of respect for you based on the rock climbing statement, I too climb, and I saw my weight go up a bit when I started putting on the muscle. So my apologies if it seemed like a blanket statement. It just

Oh my gosh a joke! What is this world coming to?

That's such a crap argument for obesity. There are plenty of people who live in suburbs and rural areas and aren't obese. There may be a correlation between living in suburbs and being obese, but that's certainly not the cause. Just like there are plenty of NYers who walk everywhere, everyday and are still obese. The

Yeah, because watching pro athletes have to work hard for their paycheck during a major comp sucks hard.

He was standing and then pushed off. It was a flop.

I agree with you. Maybe I just read your post wrong. I took what you said as well fuck it, why change if something is the norm. I didn't mean to sound insulting.

No, I'm not saying that at all. Ari said, "As for acceptance, what else is there?" I was saying that you may not be able to change the rest of the world, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to change yourself. I don't know what Ari looks like, nor do I care. I was speaking in general terms. Complacency seems to be

No, but you can make a change to yourself. Just because the status quo says being fat is the norm, doesn't mean that it's wrong to want to lose weight and be healthy.

How about this dude knew what he was doing, but he's trying to get away with it? Plus, the guy is an old black guy. Not white. But generalizations are always awesome.