
Okay, this always confused me back when I was still identifying as an Evangelical Christian: lots and lots of Christians apparently have no problem with premarital sex when it comes to a second marriage. Someone I knew when I was at an Evangelical college was getting remarried to someone else who was divorced (their

“The ‘core’ problem is that we have a president without shame who is backed by a party without spine that is supported by a network without integrity,”- Thomas Friedman, NYT, Friday

The really really fun part about this entire series of events is that in the United States the 2016 general election wasn’t just for POTUS; depending on where you were voting, you also voted for 10 or 20 or 50 other candidates, ballot measures, whatever. (I’m stating this for the non-Americans in the audience)

Not that I’m calling for more FBI involvement in our politics but...

I honestly have no idea.  I know that it hasn’t always worked this way.

Ummm. Okay. I’ll play.

The Great Wall of Trump; architect - Erwin Schrödinger!

“Stealing”...exactly. The stupid narrative playing out right now re: his dumb wall, the government shutdown, “the border”, immigration, crime, national security, “Chuck & Nancy” and etc. is the biggest load of shit since that truckload of cowflop overturned on the turnpike. He always fuels this kind of idiotic gassy

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It never ceases to amaze me how men want a free pass on their worst behavior due to hormonal influence but constantly deride and humiliate women over how hormones affect them. Maybe if men showed 1 oz of understanding and applied that whole “it’s science” excuse to women in regards to pregnancy, menstrual cycle, and

I have mixed feelings about Ron. Even in his “softer” iteration, he is a stubborn, largely uncommunicative “traditional” man who espouses a ridiculously oversimplified worldview and exemplifies a lot of the characteristics this report is trying to address as problematic - like closing off his feelings and thinking

I feel the same exact way, but apparently they did a “soft reboot” between Seasons 1 and 2 and everyone starts acting completely different. Leslie Knope becomes a lot more capable and self-aware, Ron becomes a big cuddly teddy bear with a grumpy exterior, they introduce about five new characters and ditch a bunch of

Absolutely. He may be fictional, but I think Ron Swanson exemplifies masculinity and he is far from toxic

It’s not just their (long-standing) racism, it’s the outright lying as well, and the stubborn refusal to admit their untruths when they’re exposed for them.

The GOP is trying to cut access to food stamps anyways. I doubt they’ll give a shit about this.

It makes me nervous, too.  He’s already blown through so many norms.  What’s one more (though this one is a Reichstag Fire-level  one) to his goons and followers?

Annnd he takes one more step closer to declaring martial law.

This just seems like a whole new level of movement away from Democracy and American norms, and it is making me physically and psychologically tense.

After seeing Vice and reading up a bit more on the Unitary Executive Theory, I’m really kind of worried that this could not be an impeachable offense in the eyes of people who matter. It has to be an impeachable offense because the alternative, where two scoops gets to pull this “national emergency” bullshit whenever

Right? And wouldn’t “Fecal Deletus” or “Urine Exumai” then have to be like, the FIRST spell they learn?