
I’m not voting for another stinkin’ measure when they’re acting the way they’re acting.

All part of the GOP plan:

Not having children you can’t afford is completely off the table on this site huh?

Let’s be honest. The backlash was coming. Meghan Markle is an American divorcee and the last time one of those married into the British royal family it almost toppled the monarchy. Not to mention all the shenanigans with the Nazis.

“two of the most incredible days of my life were spent in China.”

Fact. I’ve started using the expression, “your tax dollars will pay for it, one way or another.” People who complain about welfare recipients, I tell them you can pay to feed and house your fellow citizens, or you will pay to clean up their bodies in the streets; and the PTSD therapy for the first responders.

Whatever your politics, aligning yourself with Trump at that moment, when you’re supposed to be an advocate for women, is just da-dumb.

How is this legal?
Is it legal?
Is the ACLU already suing their balls off for this?

It looks like Mueller want charge him with anything until he can charge him with fifty things. And the charges will be spread across federal and state level; post-election, pre-election, and pre-campaign announcement; and financial crimes, election crimes, national security, and of course obstruction.

Yeah but he’s a conservative. They start with the conclusion and then seek evidence to support the conclusion while ignoring the mountains of evidence contradicting their conclusion.

I’m okay being divisive against a man who wants to see me hanged.

“The lies from the left, the lies from these poor, mushy–brained children who have been fed lies and parrot the lies,

It’s as simple as this: The Parkland kids took live fire. They have had high velocity rounds fired at or near them. They’ve seen what those rounds do to live bodies of human beings. Nugent has not. Nugent is a coward who happens to be an effective debater. These kids have more say in this. Period. Nugent will see a

Anyone else remember when gas prices spiked and every fucknuts with a Hummer was screaming bloody murder about how it was taking them a whole week’s paycheck to fill up their gigantic fucking SUV just so they could drive back and forth to work?

My church (a UU congregation in DC) has a small group ministry for federal employees that is explicitly about figuring out what your line in the sand is, and how to keep one’s integrity as a career civil servant under this administration.

I’m sure now they’re rethinking EVERYTHING!


So his response to them not paying their fair share of taxes? Lower the corporate tax rate of course!

My guess is that some elite colleges have been hastily throwing together admission packages for them, maybe even places they didn’t apply to. Though if he or Gonzalez ends up enrolling in Harvard they’ll never see the end of mockery about “not really getting in” from the same people claiming they’re crisis actors and

It’s insane how unhinged like, half a dozen teens, are making these right wingers. Maybe now they will realize why teachers deserve to be paid more?