
Yeah, but all that information is in a BOOK. Checkmate, libturd.

I do think the time of that needs to be set in stone a little more. Since January we’ve ranged from 6PM all the way to 10PM as I recall which no doubt makes it harder for some to get involved.

Think of what this really means - especially in the case of these sitting congressman who have been trying kill this investigation since day one (Nunes’s moronic night trip to the White House to expose “vital info” previously given to him by - The White House)

I heard part of the joint appearance with Turnbull. The part where he talked about Korea sanctions and a phase two if they didn’t work. Said phase two, he said, could be a ‘very rough thing and very, very unfortunate for the world’

Did you see the story on Slate that one reason for the latest endightments against Manafort and Gates were in part because Manafort didn’t know how to convert a document from Word to a PDF and vice versa? I laughed and laughed.

Why is Trump so upset with North Korea having nukes? I mean, nukes don’t kill people, people kill people, right?

They’re still on with that “Lock her up” thing, huh?

Republicans chanting “lock her up” while three of Trump’s campaign aides are being indicted/pleaing guilty is a hell of a thing.

With this rate of turnover, he’s going to have to start hiring immigrants.

Seriously, I’m so goddamned sick of hearing about the president’s moods. And I’m so fucking sick of the press reporting on the president being cranky as though it’s a perfectly normal thing for the most powerful man on the planet to be making policy and staffing decisions based on his irrational moods and his

H.R. McMaster was my commanding officer when he was a lieutenant colonel.

Trump continues to chafe at McMaster’s demeanor when he briefs him, feeling that he is gruff and condescending

MAGA: “Trump is my President because he tells it like it is and keeps it real.”

Waitaminute...if that does include a condo in Trump Tower....that means it would have been paid for with dirty money....which means a totally aboveboard reason to follow it through the Trump Real Estate company...

Drain the what, now?

They didn’t think Trump would win. They didn’t know the electoral college was that stupid. It was all right there for the public to see, that Trump was a big failure and extremely deep in debt, that he would make a very poor leader, but nope, the electoral college fell for all the lies and did no research.

Manafort used some of the money to buy real estate in the US

Translation: “You ready to flip NOW, asshole?”

Marge really should leave his fucking ass.

This is going to be unpopular; Homer is a dick. He’s selfish and lazy and complacent. Yeah I know he does kind things occasionally but mostly he’s a dick. He’s the guy who treats you like shit, does one nice thing, and uses it as leverage the other 99% of the time. If Homer was a real guy, you would want nothing to do