
I find it deliciously ironic that the 2nd amendment fans are happily accepting that Americans should live surrounded by armed policemen, checking on their classmates and neighbours’ funny behaviours so they can call the authorities on them, and peeking over their shoulders at all times, because the alternative (gun

Holy shit. The fact that this exact premise has not been turned into a SNL skit suddenly infuriates me.

A guy tried to rob me on the street with a gun but when I yelled “Thoughts and prayers!!!” he ran off and I was safe. It works!!!

Have they tried thoughts and prayers? I hear that those work wonders

Remove money from politics. You’re welcome.

Yep, in conservatives circles you are only guilty of something if you admit it.

Instead, he sent a tweet... How very presidential.

“Thank God there was another school shooting today”

So, after Cohen’s fuck-up, Stormy Daniels apparently views the NDA as void and is now ready to tell all. I wonder if she’s got some kind of proof?

Thoughts and prayers were reported near the scene at 3:20 PM today.

I can’t wait until Kelly admits he paid Stormy Daniels himself with his own funds.

Speaking of Daniels:

My tolerance ends where your stance is hurting people. How about that?

There’s a reason we marched the neighboring villagers in to tour concentration camps post liberation to see the horrors they choose to turn a blind eye too.

here’s the deal, faggot: free speech comes with responsibility.

I’ll do it for you. Can’t wait to see how Bristol Palin’s third try at abstinence works out!

I can see that the Me Too movement is really making inroads into how men view women!

I’m good with this, Paul, with the understanding that you gut social security and Medicare first and immediately. Explain to old white people that they have to make sacrifices to “control government spending” since they seem to think only brown people get money from the government. And don’t shift the savings into

I was once at a dog park and I saw Famke Janssen a little bit near me reading a script while her little dog ran around. Because I wasn't doing anything else, I did a quick IMDB search of her and in the trivia it mentioned she had a dog named "Cinnamon". Anyway, her dog starts playing with my, at the time, new pug