
It’s not mostly Milwaukee suburbs. It’s a combination of Milwaukee suburbs (primarily swarmy Waukesha assholes who refuse to help pay for public transportation for the region), Racine (small metro which is mainly Republican), Kenosha (aka Chicago ex-pats who didn’t want to pay Illinois taxes and like cheap lake homes)

Lawyer here. I worked at a law firm that shall remain unnamed in the area of professional responsibility, among other things. The Secretary of State of that known conservative state, a reknown batshit Republican who later became governor, tried to prevent the Attorney General of that state, a Democrat, from working

Welcome to Wisconsin, a state full of older,conservative white people who benefitted their whole lives from underfunded social programs but flip their shit at the thought of paying a dime in any kind of tax.

Well-off liberals are not “voting against their own interests”, they’re voting in their enlightened self-interest. Having a solid, healthy middle class with plenty of disposable income is great in the long run for the rich, because those are the people who buy cars, houses, and other big-ticket items that make rich

He’s an idiot’s notion of what a policy wonk sounds like. If you disassociate any intrinsic meaning that words themselves have, then he sounds brilliant, much like the entirety of the GOP. If you parse down anything they say, it becomes, “fuck you, I’ve got mine”.

Paul Ryans reputation as the Republicans serious policy guyseems to be entirely based on the fact that he wears a nice suit and takes himself very seriously. Nothing he has ever done has shown any indication that he is actually capable of creating any kind of actionable policy. Look at this healthcare fiasco and

As infuriating as it is, its not really any more shocking than finding out that fire is hot and water is wet. In fact, if a voter discovers this neat little nugget and is seriously surprised by it, theyre probably unable to cognitively handle the right to vote in the first place. Which then begs the question....who

This is all you need to know about Paul Ryan: He’s a heartless fucking idiot.

Ohhhh, you’re THE BakaPenguin! The guy that’s in charge of word meanings! Sorry, now that you’ve clarified what an outing is you can forget my argument.

Tough to do when it’s been empirically demonstrated that markets can’t manage these inherent externalities, therefore requiring government intervention, and we have a party in power who believes that any government intervention is socialism.

Please give it a rest. Democrats are in no way anywhere close to Republicans in destructiveness toward our society. It’s this attitude that imperfection is akin to evil that got us Trump.

I think it’s time to bring back the CCC or something like it. I know that government make-work sounds bad, but it can alleviate unemployment and do nice things for the rest of us at the same time.

Sorry, pox on both your houses doesn’t play here. Democrats are simply less evil than Republicans. It’s a fact.

Can you imagine the mockery the sitting US President would receive for wearing the slogan “I ♥ People”?  

You may want to brush up on communication skills here. This is very poorly worded and seemingly with no context, you’re drawing from multiple metaphors at once and I think your point is lost.

Conservative values are based on emotion and flawed world views. For the most part, far-right conservatives cannot be appealed to with logic or reason. As you say, we can only quarantine them, outnumber them and appeal to moderates who don’t want the Russian mob to appoint Justices.

You had me at the link containing ‘wsj’ in its address.

In 2008, Barack Obama campaigned on a promise to revisit NAFTA, but quickly reversed that position and spent the waning months of his presidency campaigningfor TPP against members of his own party.

Brrrmmm... Take that illegal immigrants! You’re next fake media!