
“Tarred” is in there to emphasize her point that the people being called bigots are the real victims.

Julie Hasn’t been working for the drug squad after all?

He knows. He’s trying to hide his gut.

I completely agree. I’ve been saying this for a while now. Conservatives have no ideas, policies, or principals of their own. The only thing they care about is supporting things which piss off the straw man liberals they create in their heads.

For companies like Amazon the move to automation is driven by technology, not labor costs. Everything that can be automated already is. But I think you’re right that most of the warehouse jobs will be done by robots within a generation. At least unionization would help the current workers. Long term, who knows.

I’m sure many of them are. When is the last time you polled the employees of Amazon?

No one is criticizing criticize European countries for wanting to stop immigration. There is no endgame, or even any game to speak of. I’ve never heard any person or group suggest what percentage of France should be immigrants. I’ve never heard any person or group suggest France is obligated to take as many immigrants

You’re wasting your time with an obvious troll. The point of it’s original post was to slip the gay rumor in there.

He honestly might be.

He honestly might be.

He honestly might be.

He honestly might be.

Thousands of people who have spent their lives studying medicine and immunology have all decided that the current schedule is deeeeeeefinitely the best idea. What makes you think you know better than them?

That was a super weird sob story. You got issues dude.

You don’t think the Koch brothers do “actual evil”? They definitely do.

It’s the Great Seal of the USA. It’s hasn’t changed since it was unveiled in 1782. Are you seriously suggesting that we should be continually changing the direction of the eagles head based on current foreign policy?

Comments like that are exactly why the table got put in the oval office.

Tons of tall women in the upper Midwest.

Me too. I’d say 1/4 of the basements in the state look exactly like this.

Nah, no camo worn by any of the girls, and no hunting memorabilia on the walls. These girls, and whoever owns the basement most likely vote Dem.