Comments like that are exactly why the table got put in the oval office.
Comments like that are exactly why the table got put in the oval office.
Tons of tall women in the upper Midwest.
Me too. I’d say 1/4 of the basements in the state look exactly like this.
Nah, no camo worn by any of the girls, and no hunting memorabilia on the walls. These girls, and whoever owns the basement most likely vote Dem.
So to you strong means taking away civil liberties. Ending free elections. And murdering or imprisoning anyone who opposes you. Damn, you trump voters really are deplorable.
No. First of all basically nothing you said is true. Second, even if we accept your premise. People who voted for an ignorant, unqualified, vindictive, bigot don’t get a pass just because some blog posts hurt their feelings. They own that. Regardless of their opinions about the media, trump made is very clear who he…
Definitely. That welfare queen bullshit he made up, still gives the right the moral cover to kick poor people in the teeth as much as they want.
One of Obama’s biggest mistakes was thinking that the republicans cared about the good of the country and would eventually listen to his reasonable arguments. But the GOP puts party over country every time.
Ok comrade, we get it. Trust no one.
Please show me evidence of corporate influence over the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee. Please explain to me why they are not to be trusted.
Why do you trust Assange’s word over every single US intelligence agency?
What are you talking about? The US and the EU leveled a bunch of sanctions on Russia after they annexed Crimea and after they shot down the airliner. That’s why the Ruble lost 50% of it’s value and the Russian economy is tanking.
I’ve got good news! The last three things on your list are only happening in your head, so you don’t actually need to feel disgusted about them.
Fascism and capitalism are in no way mutually exclusive. In fact they go hand in hand. And trump’s constant attacks on the free press and threats to “open up libel laws” certainly are a trait of a fascist dictator.
The more he talks, the more I think he voted for trump. He’ll never admit it though.
I’m pretty cynical lately. But honestly, your comment lightened my heart a little. I’ve got your back too.
Yes, but they are frozen and not very awesome.
I’m wondering the same thing. Part of me thinks it’s a really smart right wing troll who shows up to distract from the message of the post, as sow discord between people who might agree. This “both sides are the same” narrative is one of the best things the GOP has going for it. It keeps so may young people home one…
Those polls are meaningless you stupid fuck. How about we spend our time blaming the people who voted for a fascist, instead of pilling on Hillary for not being hip enough. The DNC didn’t nominate her all by its self, way more people voted for her in the primarys. So she won the nomination, that’s how it works. Also,…
I don’t know how you could read her statements and not think she’s pandering.