Zuze Tree Fiddy

I am a magazine editor and I also have to blog for my job. People don't grasp how much proofreading is done for print. I'd estimate our pieces are read at least 10 times and proofed by five pairs of eyes - and still mistakes get through. For my blogs the proofing is done by me and my my assistant. Inevitably there is

I am a professional writer, and there is no way I could stand to write for Gawker if every time I posted an article I'd have to get shitshow about errors. Sometimes they creep in. I have two editors look at everything I write, and an occasional dropped letter will still make its way through. Just fix it and move on.

Maybe I can help. (I'm also a special ed teacher, btw) What kind of program is he in? If he is in resource or inclusion, his case manager can advocate for him. If he is in a special day class and mainstreamed for certain subjects, his teacher should only be choosing classes for him to mainstream into where the

My 13 y.o. is on the spectrum (Asperger's), and he is making his teachers crazy by refusing to talk in class. At most, he'll grunt or, if he's really feeling it, a yes or no. They have started giving him detentions for refusing to answer teachers/principal. I'm... honestly not sure how I feel about that. He has

My then-husband and I were once invited to the home of a very chill work colleague of his- a fairly young guy. It was a nice place, practically a McMansion. And when we got there, his wife refused to come downstairs to greet us until he went up and told her what I was wearing, so she could select her outfit

i hope someone reads this... I need advice for dealing with my in laws who are (shudder) anti vaxxers..

Jezzers .... my grandson was born today (Saturday)! He is nearly 10 pounds and 22 inches and is so beautiful and precious it hurts. I got a call at 4 a.m. that waters were flowing. I hopped a plane and crossed the country, drove 90 minutes to the hospital and was there in less than 12 hours from the time I got the

This woman I'm about to tell you about has been on TV and in papers telling her story, so I feel it's ok to tell it here. Warning: it's fucked up.

Duh, prob should've included that. I guess surprising is more apt. We had been talking about hooking up for awhile and how I like dominant men and being manhandled. Everytime we've talked about it he's been really self-deprecating about his skills in that area and he's an awkward, mild-mannered dude in general.

Several months ago I skipped my beloved grandmother's funeral in large part to avoid an encounter with my mother. You do not have to go. You do what you need to do to take care of yourself. Can you spend time with your nephew morning or night of, apart from the festivities? You can absolutely communicate to him how


You dodged a bullet.

Fuck him! I hate people like that. At least he got it out of the way now and not down the line somewhere, so there's that...

I went on a good job interview Friday. I think I got it (I got think that but I do too). It's been a rough severs years - I separated, moved cross country with my son and haven't been able to get on my feet personal or professionally. I think I could with this job. I liked the vibes in the office. So I'm asking for

Yes, beheading is barbaric and western (i.e. United States) usage of the Death Penalty is barbaric and stupid too.

I wasn't "deflecting." I was just talking about something different than you wanted to talk about.

Well, and wasn't there a guy in Oklahoma recently who had a botched execution that took over 20 minutes before they stopped giving him drugs and about 40 minutes before he died? And a guy in Ohio who had pretty much the same thing happen also recently? A botched beheading isn't any worse than a botched lethal

Was the storage unit for his collection of Jamiroquai hats?

Young lady approached me on the bus—

So many to choose from. I'll let yall decide. Let me preface this list by saying that I'm omitting the sociopaths and boring losers. This list is in no way representative of all my questionable and embarassing encounters.