Zuze Tree Fiddy

Cisgender (cis-, "on this side of, not across;" compare cisatlantic, cisalpine) is a neologism meaning "not transgender," that is, having a gender identity or performing in a gender role that society considers appropriate for one's sex.

Example: A baby is born with a vagina/uterus and society considers her to be

CIS refers to someone who's gender matches the biological sex that ther were born with. I.E. I am a male and my gender would be that of a man. So I would be a cis man. If I had a friend who was born female but identified as a man they would be a trans-man (I do believe).

Im making over $30h a month working part time. I kept hearing other people tell me how much money they can make online so I decided to look into it. Well, it was all true and has totally changed my life. This is what I do,.

A cisgender person is someone who identifies as they gender/sex they were assigned at birth. For example, your birth certificate says female, and you identify as a female woman. The prefix 'cis' is derived from the Latin for 'on the side of' and is the opposite of the Latin derives prefix 'trans'.

In this specific context, "cis-" refers to people whose gender identity is consistent with their sex at birth. In other words, most people (as far as we know, I guess).

In Latin,cis- and trans- are commonly used as spatial prefixes, respectively meaning "on the same side of" and "across". You see this in chemistry as

Its kinda surprising that there's not more hoopla that Ms. Cox is trans. 20 years ago I'd think it would have been all over the news with people doing demonstrations against a trans woman just being on TV. Hell, I remember the hoopla over the first "gay kiss" on TV. I wonder if we are actually growing more open as a

Cis is basically the opposite of trans. Your gender matches up with your body. Like a cis woman would be someone who is born with the body of a woman and identifies as a women. Whereas a trans woman is someone who is born with a man's body but identifies as a woman. Trans people can be gay or straight.


Cis gendered is someone who is the gender they were born in. In other words, a woman who was born genetically female who also identifies as female.

She is that chick.

Considering he has to be picking people who are as wrapped up in this master race nonsense as he is, it could be a while.

He named his children after two people who were fucking each other?

Your dad calls you bubble-butt and thats appropriate?

Oh my people, I love you all, I have a migraine at least 3 times per week, and that's a good week, and its always great to know I'm not alone, though its not great you all have migraines, Im sorry about that. Migraine free today!! yay!!!!!

I am always worried I am going to run out of meds, and when Imitrex injections disappeared from the market a month ago I REALLLY freaked. Luckily the generic is back. I go between Cambia, inmitrex tabs, zomig nasal and Imitrex injections. I use each RX up each month. Some days I just don't know how I make it through.

This is a little silly but mine is once a week, throw myself a little dance party in my room. I'm hoping it'll help keep me current on good new music, and make me feel a little bit more cheerful about life.

Whatever you think of her work situation, it is not your business. Whatever else you do, remember to never bring up her - or your - career in conversation ever again. Don't think about it. Don't have an opinion on it. Not. Your. Business.

GTFO. No need to suffer through any drama right now. If she's that angry, there's zero chance of patching things up until after she cools down, whenever that time arrives. For future reference, always best to avoid offering even the most innocuous criticism/advice when someone is that volatile. Keep things bland,

have no idea if migraine day 3, or recovering from imitrex/wine combination and food coma last night......