
The problem with these “third-party investigations” is that they answer to whoever paid them. Which would be either the corporation or more likely the corporation’s attorney.

THE crazy thing isn’t that this is just foolishness in their part. The Democrats don’t automatically get the Dreamers’ votes. My husband is a dreamer and talks to other dreamers and they find this to be the most ridiculous thing. A lot of them are very conservative and are grateful the Democrats are pushing for them,

When I lived in Long Beach, CA last year, I received the most amazing tattoo from an artist there. On IG, you can find her @triplegoddesstattoos

Nah, being raped in California and finding out that Californian liberals are just as terrible as the victim-blaming southern conservatives, sent me back to my home state to be around supportive people in a liberal enclave of the state.


Yes totally agree and that’s certainly part of my point. For some reason people are like “well, he’s no Harvey Weinstein.” No he’s not. But he still did something VERY bad and certainly skirting the line of legal/illegal. We have that sliding scale for sexual assault and rape. It’s just most people when they employ

Yes, definitely. I still try so desperately with my friends that are in their early 20s, even as I experience de ja vu as I say the same words told to me 10 years ago by an older friend and still barreled ahead. And also while knowing that going through these experiences does make us into great, more thoughtful, and

I’m 31 and just canNOT get over all these women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s condemning this kid. Like did they forget what it was like at that age? I have LOTS of memories of older women, when I was 18-24 telling me that I was still basically a kid because there was so much more to learn. And now at 31, I’m like “yep

I mean, when people say “we don’t want to put him in the same category as Harvey Weinstein” I’m at the point now where the best response is “and I don’t think Joe Schmoe who murdered one guy is as bad as Ted Buddy, but they still both committed murder.”

In case people were still wondering: this is a textbook rape apologist. Study and observe.

If we went only with “commonly understood” then there would no such thing as acquaintance/partner/spousal sexual assault and rape. We would still use terms like “forcible rape”. Dismantling rape culture includes dismantaling this “commonly understood” BS around consent. And that affects women of all races. Arguably

Is this a real question?

Throughout this whole #metoo movement I’ve been so happy and relieved, because shortly before Weinstein was exposed and #metoo happened, I was raped at work.

What you’re asking for is a reversal back to the times when if she didn’t say no then it’s a yes. That’s not how consent works.

She had good reason not to tell her Mormon parents the entire truth. My childhood best friend’s little sister was raped at 15 by a pedo in his 20s and was forced to marry him when she told their (Mormon) parents. This was 2005 or so. My friend said this was always what happened in the Church when child rape happened.

Uh no. It was very straightforward.

#6378472 for why women just do it wrong and that’s why men fuck up

I can’t even begin to describe how much this meant to me as a victim of childhood rape and, more recently, rape with circumstances in the vein of the Weinstein and me, too movement. In fact, at the height of that turmoil—or should I say, during the period where I thought the pain was too great to continue on—Weinstein

I, for one, only watched E news for her and whenever she wasn’t on Daily Pop that ish was deleted from the DVR. I love my pop news, but if I’m watching E! It’s only for Catt.

Except Rice and other Republicans with some minority status (including LGBT+ republicans) need to get their heads out of the sand on that one. If the Trump/Moore faction of the Republican Party wins this seat and more, white heterosexual supramency is certainly going to start impacting them. It’s truly amazing that