Your repeated attempts to make that logic make sense are astounding. Astounding.
Your repeated attempts to make that logic make sense are astounding. Astounding.
Thank you for taking the time to write all of this. As a survivor of on-the-job rape, I appreciate every word you’ve written to enunciate what consent is and is not, and the same for rape.
That’s a lie. Stop spreading lies.
That analysis of her video is being purposely obtuse. Anyone involved in anti-oppression work knows that by lifting the most marginalized, everyone benefits. White people have this view that paying reparations is taking from them, when it’s not. Paying reparations is restorative and means that there’s more money…
That returning a favor thing re: Biden and Obama is just baffling. While Biden was saying microaggresive (and outright racist) shit towards Obama, Kamala was the first elected official to endorse Obama and has supported him far longer than any of the people riding his coattails.
If she wanted to be AG, she would’ve taken the job when it was offered to her by Pres. Obama. And she didn’t. Just because she chose a pathway to the presidency via DA and AG in California, followed by being its Senator, doesn’t mean that’s how she best serves the people. She’ll be back running for the presidency…
Wrong. The collective gains yet another example of who is really out here dreaming of raping and murdering people and then actually doing it. Not the group DTJ proclaimed this about when announcing his campaign that helped feed the belief system of the El Paso shooter. There is huge implicit biases towards black and…
Given this is a country that has a president who says black and brown people are the dangerous ones, exploiting implicit biases that are learned about black and brown people, it’s CRUCIAL that people see the face of mass terror, of dreaming up raping and killing people (hmmm what group of people was that phrase…
Could you be more homophobic? The premise of that—Joe, don’t do to women what you wouldn’t do to Barack—is steeped in homophobia, patriarchy, toxic masculinity. The suggestion that a man wouldn’t squeeze the shoulders of a man or kiss the back of a man’s head inherently relies on the man not wanting to be viewed as…
But why don’t men talk to their male coworkers like that? Patriarchy. Toxic masculinity. Homophobia. Equating physical touch with sex. That’s why. If our culture wasn’t rooted in those things, pretty sure people wouldn’t be able to pose that sort of question.
Carter is most likely not an exception and not a “may” in the misinterpretation department: she flat out said people were misconstruing a supportive moment between friends. How fucking gross is it that two women telling their stories now means that all women that were shown in similar positions with Joe Biden have to…
My friend filed a complaint with the first hospital, whose board concluded that the doctor had “acted reasonably” and so the matter wasn’t further investigated.
Florida is the new South Carolina. People who grew up close by always knew this.
He is as American as I’m American (descendant of white europeans who invaded this land in the 1600s). He may not be a citizen of the USA, but he is still American because it is a culture and way of life. Every time someone asks for “papers” I think about the Soviet Union and Russia—is that who we are now???
There’s a whole lot between not jumping in out of fear and laughing. People had no issues laughing at the women but they’re afraid? Right.
I bet you’re one of those people that ask why sexual assault victims don’t fight back, too.
My guess is the person(s) making the decision to keep Singer probably attended one of his parties and will be one of the (many) people to go down if Singer goes downs. I mean, the person making the statement is the same one who tried to get Terry Crews to drop his claim against the person who assaulted.
No, I talked about the language used. Big difference. Reading comprehension matters. The language we use is directly tied into the rape culture and white patriarchy we live in. I’ve said this before and will say it again: everyone piled on to Taylor Swift (rightly) for her lyric “look what you made me do” because she…
I’m talking about the same language used. We don’t know what he was thinking based solely on his look and to say that we do is to use the same language and thought process as those who use that phrase to victim-blame.