
For her, it’s $850 a month—after tax credits—on a wage of $10/hour.

When I brought up how he hates the Dept. of Education, the friend I quoted in my OP said, “So?”

There’s a huge cognitive dissonance going on. Every person I’ve talked to who voted for Trump talk themselves into circles trying to explain why they voted for him even though they know it’s bad for a lot of people, if not themselves.

More than one friend (all, btw, black women who live in NC) who voted for Trump said, and I quote, “I don’t care what he does. I don’t care if it’s bad for me. I want Obamacare gone and the illegals deported and Trump is gonna do that.”

I think it’s totally funny how “feminists” were upset with her for sticking with the hubs and in the same breath called Monica the nastiest names. Even as a 12 year old when that shit was going down I knew that’s not how feminism works.

But that’s essentially saying a woman should shut up and be happy she has a job even if the job means people look at her as some kind of bimbo. She’s allowed to not be happy that she was typecast and people passed judgement on her due to that typecasting. And I’m sure that ultimately affects her paycheck (which,

Meh. Born and raised in NC and lived there for 28 of my 29 years. Just because it LOOKS like a lot of supporters doesn’t mean there are. In my area, people registered Democrats, put up Republican signs, and voted mostly Dems. I know several wealthy families that have put up Trump signs but are voting Clinton (mostly

As someone who was groomed (subtlety) from 12-15 by my first cousin and then at 15 was drugged and raped using every hole you’d use for sexual acts, my heart is breaking for this girl. My family wouldn’t allow me to press charges and the pressure kept me from independently going to the police to file a report. The

See, this only works for strangers. But when you’re being sexually assaulted by a close friend or relative? Your spouse even? When they “invade” your space but before it wasn’t invading, it was welcome but then they turn on you and attack you?

There will be. The NY Times article about Jessica Leeds and Rachel Crooks demonstrated this with at least one woman sharing in the comments section sharing her story. She was very young at the time (18) and it just happened during a campaign stop in the last year or so, so I understand why she hasn’t publicly come

California still requires two-party consent for any sort of recording of phone calls. The law doesn’t change on the mode of recording. At the beginning you need to state “this phone call is being recorded, do you consent to being recorded” or something to that effect. And then can only continue recording if the

Yes, filming the phone conversation is the exact thing and the laws are the same essentially (need two-party consent).

Pretty sure OP meant the video Kim took of Kanye talking to Taylor about the song lyrics that address Taylor. Not the music video that resulted.

The “game” of grab-ass smh. I’m a survivor of a separate sexual assault and rape, but also sexual assault in the form of grab ass. An ex’s father grabbed my ass as I walked past and I told the ex and he shrugged it off. NO! NO, NO, NO! That moment still affects me to this day as I skirt past every adult male that is

So, I’m just a white woman. Who happens to work in a field in which I’m surrounded by Latinos (mostly Mexicans or their parents are Mexicans or of Mexican heritage—and yes I have come to learn that people separate themselves into those categories...that’s a whole nother thing). And my in-laws are Mexican. Regardless

I’m super into pop culture, and was 20 in 2007, but didn’t know about this whole thing until this moment. Reading this article. I doubt I’m alone. He’s done and said some really shitting things, but this particular video and incident + all the others that’ll be dug up between now and Election Day should’ve been

Oh, yes for sure. Totally agree with your statement. Ideally, police will do their job instead of covering up. The whole thing is fucked, but I know for sure University police can’t throw people in jail or sentence people to prison. Only the criminal justice system can do that and there’s not even a chance (and

Reading comprehension. I wasn’t telling VICTIMS what to do, but the people they go to when they’ve been assaulted—like professors, counselors, RAs, etc.

And I worked for a crisis center (rape, sexual assault, DV, and suicide were our purview) that serviced the big state university in that town (it was literally across the street from the University’s police and down the street from the city’s police) and part of the advocacy work we did was help students understand

The alternative is to stop telling victims to go to campus police instead of the city’s police. University police are more concerned with keeping things quiet than in providing justice.