

Aren’t there any regular AV Clubbers up at 6 AM CDT who can comment on this post? I’m guessing the rest of you “with lives” actually sleep in on Sunday mornings.

She was great at the dawn of the folk movement!

Is that Molly Ringwald up top or does it just look like her?

Ha!  You wrote LOAD!

Thank you, drive through...

I noticed you wrote 20 instead of 17...GREAT WORK!

Is this pic. from the 2018 Hyde Park show?

Sounds interesting.  What network is that  available on?

That So. Park bit made me laugh...I’m actually ONE YEAR OLDER THAN HE IS!

Now playing

Now over 40 years old. I actually remember when it came out.

Yes, Dionne. Just follow that pack of goats and you’ll get there without even having to ask for directions.

You’ve also gotta’ get the term “Deep State” in there somewhere.

2:46 & 2:50 - 2:52 -Bastards of Young. GOD, WHAT A MESS!

Tommy, You Can’t Hear Me!

You could have just said “Damn you, Kinja”, and it would have been acceptable.

Approx. what year did it “change?