
It’s too generous to blame it all on misogyny. Some women are shitty friends and promoting the fundamentally sexist notion that *female friendships are sooooo special* is just socializing women to tolerate a lot of toxic bullshit because there must be something wrong with you if you can’t handle the dramatic mess that

I enjoyed 3%.

The only thing that kept me from openly booing and throwing shit at the screen for the last third of that movie was the realization that it could’ve been worse — it could’ve starred Miles Teller.

I want jazz to take out a restraining order on Chazelle after La La Land. He does not seem to understand very basic things about this music he claims to love. Which should not surprise me after watching what he considers a love story.

As a straight woman with a long and storied history of having platonic straight male friends, what you describe has not been my experience 95% of the time. In fact, far more of my time and emotional energy towards men has been devoted to friendly relations rather than romantic, which leaves me in this outlier space

You know how reverse racism isn’t a real thing? This is pretty much the same deal — childless women who eschew marriage and makeup are not in a position to do you harm as you pursue your just-coincidentally-patriarchy-approved path. So instead of inflicting us with your neediness by misinterpreting passages that posit

Given that this is obviously a piece pitched by a freelancer, I wouldn’t assume that “no one here” would be unwilling to publish an equal or greater number of words about Queen Sugar. I get your point, but let’s not overestimate the barriers to getting something like that published here.

Claiming Cherokee heritage is Southern for “black.”

I read it in context the first time and responded to the part I disagree with. It is not smart, safe or reasonable to assume that your Grindr hook up for bareback anal sex would tell you if he was aware that he is HIV+. Just because reasonable people agree that he should, doesn’t make it reasonable to assume that he

My mistake in assuming you were interested in discussing something other than how stupid AP Bear’s comment was.

AP Bear’s comment was speculation, fairly stupid speculation at that given awareness of PrEP in January 2013 at a small school in suburban St. Louis would’ve been minimal. I ignored that part because it’s dumb and not worth arguing. Being a more reasonable assumption than that is setting the bar dangerously low. I

Who on earth assumes that?

It seems reasonable to assume that a person who knowingly has unprotected sex with you is not aware that they have an incurable (to date) sexually transmitted disease.

Nate Parker.

As a cynical asshole, I assume the woman he raped is the daughter of a very important man in order for him to have been properly charged, convicted, and given a significant sentence.

That Emile Hirsch interview is something. Somebody’s publicist learned a thing or two from the Nate Parker debacle. (Ladies, stay away from Emile Hirsch and his unexamined explosive misogyny issues.)

I don’t watch Big Brother but all you need for gay porn is two guys who love attention, need money and have a poor grasp of long term consequences so I assume it is doable.

I could’ve lived without that image, thanks.

exposure hungry BB player.