
Trump supporters have no right to suggest that the other side is being too offensive. 

This is now my go-to reply to “What happened to Civility?” concern trolls.


I think “Moscow Mitch” is the best campaign the Democrats have run since 2012.

Counterpoint: from all accounts, the nickname seems to seriously piss him off, and I enjoy that very much, so I suggest that everyone continue using it. Thank you. 

Dylan Roof got Burger King after mowing down a black church.

The problem is the 19 year old white dudes who are committing these shootings have no priors, so increasing background checks won’t stop this particular kind of shooting. They also only tend to buy guns once, so tracking purchases isn’t really anything but a privacy violation.

You have it closer when you talk about

“when it feels like we are facing an unfolding national crisis”

Does Mitch McConnell represent the view of his contituents? Steve King? Matt Gaetz? Louie Gohmert? You bet your ass they do. 

instead of Trump’s actual pointless bullshit speech you should have linked to John Oliver’s much more thoughtful and concise comments before his show last night which just reminded us to NOT allow ourselves to become numb to this horror because if we do, it becomes normalized, and neither the endless shootings nor the

Brace yourselves for the “SO PRESIDENTIAL” gushing over this charade. Will it be Jake Tapper first to sound the bell? 

Twenty children were murdered and they did nothing. They will never do anything because this only encourages more people to buy guns.

It has become clear to me that a large segment of Trump’s base see themselves as a part of a war against liberalism and against any belief system that is not supportive of white christian supremacy. It used to be fringe, but is becoming a majority of the republican party that believes that the “traditional” American

Fuck right off with this nonsense. 

Don’t “both sides” this shit. One of the two parties is actively obstructing anything resembling progress on these issues.

Yeah, but we can elect Joe Biden and he’ll be able to work with these people because [soul explodes as I crumple into a bloody heap]

“And Suzy died so bravely, filming the very tsunami that took her from us”

... Unlock that door, and you may be headed to the Shrine of the Silver Monkey! Assemble the statue there, and you may move on to the Wave Pool. If you survive both the correctly functioning waves AND the accidental tsunami, it may lead you to the Pavement! From there, you must climb into the Ambulance and race to

These people are always waiting for someone else to do the work.