
This. They’re absolutely concentration camps. If the GOP and their hand-picked Jewish supporters want to quibble—we will only call them concentration camps; we won’t call them death camps. Because the US govt is not ACTIVELY killing the people in the camps. I mean, they’re not going to spring for soap or toothpaste,

Basically... unless a large body of Jews are being rounded up and sent to extermination camps...

I saw a post on here saying “Ask the jews if it’s a concentration camp,” implying that they would definitely agree, and all I could think was “Not so fast, my friend.” I have a few jewish acquaintances on facebook who very much do not agree with that comparison.

Or this is the real Evangelical Christianity. And can be attributed to all the extremist forms of Abrahamic religions around the world.

That’sa real Christian. Fuck those guys. When people tell you who they are you should believe them.

Fake ass “christians”, like Pence, are having a great time making hell on Earth.

I have an uncle who is a billionaire and the most infuriating thing that he ever did personally to me is that as a kid, he would have someone cut me a $2500 check for each Christmas. When I turned 18, he reduced it to $250 per check because now I could “work” and be “on my own”.

According to ability? That sounds like some communism! It cracks me up when rich kids think their success is strictly due to their hard work. Some do work very hard, but as Yogi Berra would say, born on third and think they’ve hit a triple.

I always enjoy the irony of billionaires that had everything given to them explain why you shouldn’t just give money to people.

“Really, it doesn’t work. We’ve tried not trying it and to the best of our ability to guess, it hasn’t worked. However, not trying it is working gangbusters for us, so as long as there’s one positive outcome, I’m willing to call it a day.

LOL, it only works if you’re redistributing it FROM the poor TO the rich and not the other way around. People tend to forget that. ;)

We seriously need to make these people afraid to exist like that again. Dude should be ashamed of that, particularly as he almost certainly votes against social welfare programs on a normal basis.

“I’m trying to explain why 2020 is not in the bag for you,” McCain scolded Behar. “Being the sacrificial Republican every day... I’m just trying to—don’t feel bad for me, bitch. I’m paid to do this, OK? Don’t feel bad for me.”

A couple of thoughts:

Totally, we all know Trump will treat Warren like a jerk, so if we nominate someone else I’m sure he’ll be real nice and respectful /s

Bernie said she’s in the bag for corporate America. Which is demonstrably untrue and not entirely respectful of her nuanced policy points.

But in our current system, republicans are the ones smearing poop on the wall, then blaming everyone else for it, and then hiring their buddies to come clean up the poop on the wall.

Where’s the civility, John McCain’s daughter?

I’ve mentioned this before, but the fundamental problem with the rhetoric of people like McConnell (beyond the fact that, ya know, it’s in patent bad faith and designed merely to be repeated by people to say why, of course, reparations are beyond the pale), is that it confuses the issue of “fault” with

Always relevant: