
It’s a sad state of affairs when this country was incensed because they saw a tit on TV, yet saw fit to put a dick in the White House.

Its Fucking. scary that. Hes a police. Officer. Internet

Kristen, you’ll always be a crazy bitch, bless your heart.


For someone so dedicated to facts, your little monologue is full of holes. It’s a shame Nolan’s masterpiece was lost on you.

Pshht millennials. They’ve got nothing on the Dave Matthews concert in CT in the 90's. Alcohol poisoning, rioting, cars flipped over and set afire. CT goes hard ....for Dave Matthews.

But that’s not true either. I saw it coming the second Hillary’s primary election strategy was “I’m not Trump.” Michael Moore did too. The problem, perhaps, is that the DNC has become too much of a Beltway echo chamber, and they need to start listening to their Democratic supporters in Middle America—they were

All of this. She WON 3M more votes across the entire goddam country. She lost about a football stadium of strategically placed votes. And the resistance is out there and it’s WORKKNG. Let’s not pretend the Democratic Party is dead and rotting, shall we? There needs to be new and more progressive voices, yes. We need

You should’ve thrown this shitfit years ago, when Missy was introduced. Now it’s too late, and you look like a fucking idiot.

If it’s such bunk, then why is Trump so worried about it?

Red states equal rural and rural areas are given outsized weight for their votes.

My dad doesn’t watch Doctor Who but knows what it is about. I was explaining regeneration to him and said a new actor was taking the role. A lot of people were upset. He asked why and I said guess. It’s a woman was what he said. I told he he was right. He just shook his head and called them assholes.

This is what I hate about the argument being put forth. No one in their fucking right mind up to election night ever imagined in their worst-case-scenario that Trump would ever win. You, me, the rest of the voters, and even the Republicans.

People can sit there and say Hillary was a bad candidate, but she beat

No, the problem is the Democratic establishment is a bunch of morons. If the Clinton team couldn’t tell they might just possibly have an issue in Wisconsin when they ignored the state for the entirety of the general campaign, or Michigan, when Debbie Dingell was all but screaming to the DNC that things were going

It’s not about leading voters to the Democratic side - the Republican nominee for President has won the popular vote only once in the last quarter century (Bush in 2004).

What a shitty mound of lard to die on.

She killed five people in my neighborhood just today!

Well, if this Kennedy rumor is true, that’s game over for the next decade at least in the SCOTUS.

It’s not her problem to solve anymore, though. It’s ours.

The high road sucks. I know Michelle Obama meant well, but “going high” doesn’t mean squat if you can’t get a seat at the table where major decisions get made for millions of Americans.

Need someone point out that asserting your rights is following the laws?