All those trees will be dead by next year.
All those trees will be dead by next year.
Oh man, Shadow and Bone Season 2 was a hot stinking mess. The first season established that there were huge armies fighting each other, but by the time the climactic battle against the Darkling, there’s like 10 people on each side fighting each other. It’s patently ridiculous. You could tell the actors were absolutely…
Jack Dorsey can get fucked sideways with a rusty razorblade.
That dude is absolutely ridiculous.
Holy shit. She’s MANTIS?
These assholes are just mad they were facing the consequences of their “free speech,” which just happened to violate the terms of service of private company enough that they earned a ban. Want to participate on social media? Don’t be a heinous dickhead troll.
Oh no. A precious male character replaced by a female. Where are the smelling salts?
Thank you. I was so fucking furious that Sam Raimi’s shitty behavior as a director by not respecting the vehicle he was directing and misogyny won out.
Her name is AMERICA Chavez. It’s not like you had to overextend your memory here, bud. They named her that for people exactly like yourself.
Handing Dr. Strange to Sam Raimi because he’s supposed to be horror movie god was the worst possible decision Marvel could have made. I absolute knew that Raimi was going to ruin Wanda Maximoff, post-WandaVision, because he’s a sadistic, misogynistic sack of shit who loves to torture his female characters on screen…
So I take it all of the pieces were encrusted with gore, hence the privacy sheets?
“Trust me, bro.”
Maybe they can both solve our problems: Zuck can pull a Jordan Neely and get put away for life.
I’ll tell you who cares. Trans youths. LGBT+ youths. LGBT+ folks watching those same youths being bullied into suicide by hateful adults who should know better.
I would watch the fuck out of this new trilogy.
What the fuck does the rail strike have to do with Trump rolling back regulations that would have prevented this disaster? Republicans and Trump are fully responsible for what happened in East Palestine.
Oh, so your kids fucking suck, and you’re a shitty fucking parent who inflicts those sucky kids on the rest of the world. Got it.
Yep. Chapelle intimated that the disabled women put peanut butter on her pussy so her service dog could get her off. It’s just fucking cruelty at this point.
It’s all about the cruelty and punching down. “Can’t you take a joke?” is what all abusers say.
I think you’re talking about April Fools’ Day.