
I’m pretty sure my dad considered it at one point.

It’s like Christmas every time.

That’s the face of a dude who looks forward to the next swingers’ club luncheon.

It’s why you see so many settlements in the city of Chicago.

Fuck the Boomers. I hope Ethel tastes great, Herman.

Chicagoland has a pathetic excuse for voter turnout in local elections, because we really don’t feel like our votes count anymore. They just prop up more “machine” politicians, who do whatever they like and nothing for their constituents.

Gym Jordan, the man who likely partook in the abuse of his wrestlers?

It certainly makes sense why all Trumptards act like cult members then. Their primary “news” source is Fox.

I seriously can’t wait for that evil fuck, Stephen Miller, to have a Raiders-of-the-Lost-Ark-face-melting-body-exploding scene.

No, she’s seen Driving Miss Daisy, The Help, and Hidden Figures.

Or some sarcastic applause!

But the risotto is actually children! Children!

Couldn’t happen to a bigger bunch of un-American shitheels. Here’s hoping these chucklefuckers go straight to fuck-me-in-the-ass prison.

This motherfucker owns the Trump Presidency and all of the fuckery associated with the low-life GOP scumbags. It’s funny that he and Steve Bannon have the exact same look:

They soften the blow when people punch them in the face.

College Republicans who never left college.

Michelle Obama showed her arms, that trollop!

And they’re going to die a hell of a lot faster. Not sorry, those fuckheads need to die off.

You assholes give yourself too much credit. You also can’t be trusted to make electoral choices with any sort of good judgement. You’re fearful, whiny, bratty fucking children. You scream about “welfare queens” and then hold out both hands for your farm “subsidies.” You’re terrified of brown and black people. Your

Fuck the idiots. That’s the only type of assholes who reside in the Hinterlands. We can also just export them to your little slice of heaven in the world if you admire them so much.