Have a fellow nurse at work who in one paragraph will have 20-30 commas and only 4-5 are needed. I have dubbed her comma chameleon as comma comma comma...
Have a fellow nurse at work who in one paragraph will have 20-30 commas and only 4-5 are needed. I have dubbed her comma chameleon as comma comma comma...
In other news, Pokemon Go players expect a massage and a happy end. And they’ll pay nothing for it too.
No, it’s pretty fair to fault it when the new content is only accessible through walking set amounts of distance, and even then is up to RNG to not get something that was already available. In winter.
I guess Hitmonlee is not one of the new ones. So, I would delete my previous post if I could. I really don’t know what is Gen 1 and what is Gen 2.
I was walking around for the last week with a 10k egg and hatched a Hitmonchan yesterday. So, I think old eggs have new Pokemon in them.
- I tried to think of the most harmless thing. Something I loved from my childhood. Something that could never ever possibly destroy us. Ms. Chansey!
Trump has been sued for violating the fair housing act, cheated several cities and even several countries out of millions in property taxes (sometimes after his property renovations caused hundreds of thousands dollars worth of damages to the surrounding areas) bragged about his propensity to sexually assault any…
At least becoming the most powerful person in the world has tamped down his desperate need for approval and validation.
“You know who else was ‘Man of the Year’?”
*Crowd Cheers*
“That’s right, a little man called Hitler!”
*Bass Slaps*
“I’m just sayin’, the trains ran on time, amirite?”
*Double bass slap*
“But honestly, your children are going to die in a nuclear fire the likes of which you could never imagine. Just...The. Best.”
I play a lot of games, but can’t get to everything. Other Kotaku staffers played this game for review and follow-up coverage, so I felt okay skipping it. I reviewed Uncharted 4 and figured that checked off the same boxes and that there wasn’t a need to go back. But then the PS4 version came out this fall and I decided…
Thanks for saving us all a lot of time.
Obligatory “People still play this game?”
It’s almost a Pavlovian response when I hear that song. I always think of two things: the Butabi brothers, then this:
Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.
Yes. People still make that inane comment.
They were nice enough to let me dash out to grab a Pikachu in the early days, so even though I think your idea is genius, I’m not gonna disappear the 25 times it’d take me to get enough Machop Candy...
It works if you have good Pokemon near a Pokestop you can get to without much difficulty. However, I don’t see WHY they removed the nearby sightings. Why not both? It’s also annoying that they allow repeat Pokemon, so my nearby is often full of Pidgeys and Rattatas around the same stop.
Yeah, after having this for a day, it’s stupendously broken, there’s stops just close enough to home and office that it’s constanly displaying the same few ‘mons all the time (shame the work one is actually a regular machop, and the stops not close enough to just pop out the office every time he pops up), though it…
The best is he tried to burn you and said “could of.”