

See: Wrestlemania 23

Back to the future II promised us a 2016 with Trump at the helm, but also with hoverskateboards and instant pizza.

Altoids on the other hand fully denounced Trump. Considering they are not involved in this, I found their statement to be curiously strong.

Or be on the receiving end of labial suit.

We’ll need more big equipment to unbeach their corpses?

I feel like it’s on purpose now, like Niantic figured out that people were using those guys to power-level so they made them harder to catch. Freakin’ Pidgeys escape on me all the time.

Make America tate(r) again!

Yeah, for such low CP critters, Weedles and Caterpies do not want any part of that ball.

It shows which is, but knowing it’s closer without knowing which direction it’s in doesn’t help much. I guess if you had unlimited time and an area with no buildings or roads in the way you could walk in circles until you narrowed it down, but that’s not the norm.

not entirely accurate, I say that because I use a 3rd party tracker. The build in tracker is beyond bugged.

This story is small potatoes, keep your eyes peeled for bigger ones.

“You’re fried.”

Metapods and kakunas are even worse like that. Cp 60? Deep red ring.

Typically I can avoid this by spinning pokestops.

*I have nothing to add and too much free time, but still feel like I want my intelligence validated

Wouldn’t be a Pokemon Go article without some fucktard making that tired ass joke.

*shrug* It gets me out of the house and exercising. Plus gives me stuff to do for a few minutes between classes, since there is a cluster of gyms and pokestops on my campus.

I wouldn’t mind having 400 Psychic types in the can when they finally drop a catchable Mewtwo on us . . ..